
During the whole process of writing this Exploratory, I did have trouble in some areas of my writing. For example, starting the whole piece took me a bit of time and planning. I chose to write my piece on the radio, artificial intelligence and virtual reality. The radio is something that I use everyday. I get in my car and I turn on the radio. It’s a piece of technology that’s been a part of my life for a while. Although, artificial intelligence and virtual reality was really fascinating to read about. I was introduced to AI from movies, such as the Terminator and the Matrix. I’ve heard about virtual reality through video games. How people enter new worlds and become someone new. During my research I’ve found out there’s more to VR than just that. Impactful Pieces of Technology

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One Response to Exploratory

  1. Elijaruhith says:

    Great work with personal stories. I enjoyed reading your paper. I liked how you made genuine connections with every technology you researched. Which was very interesting to read.

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