I think that acts of activism can and in fact should be fun. In the piece we read by Jordan we see that people went out and had basically parties in the roads in order to set back the construction crews from destroying the neighborhood. He mentions that this kind of show can attract the attention of the people and make them more interested and want to actually look into the issue that is at hand. I believe that in a perfect world enjoyment would play a major role in the work we do. I believe that if people have a genuine passion for what they do, they will actually be more motivated to work towards the end means. Unfortunately in the society we live in careers arent all set up that way. Many careers are taken on not because the person has a genuine passion or love for it but because they are told from an early age to go where the money is, they are steered towards the career that is paying out the highest salary at the moment.
I learned from todays discussion that activist acts can be interpreted as fun. You can challenge a higher power and put on a show as Jordan talked about in his piece. The power these people had was the power to inspire others around the world facing the same issues through intelligent and groundbreaking ideas. They sought a way to change the formal process of what a protest was, and I believe the groups succeeded and inspired more intricate and far reaching and thought provoking protesting.