Author: Mark Noonan (Page 5 of 6)

Homework Assignment(s): Due Monday, Sept. 13


Step 1: Read and re-read a text.

Step 2: Annotate the text, in your notebook, or by cutting and pasting the text into a Word or Google Doc.

  • Underline sentences you feel are important, and put them in your own words (paraphrase)
  • Write down main ideas next to each paragraph; be careful to distinguish main ideas from examples and details
  • Circle unfamiliar words, look them up, and write down definitions
  • Jot down your responses to the author’s ideas– what do you think? Do you have a question or response to what they wrote?

Step 3: Goal:  Write down 3-4 main ideas of the text, including what you feel is the thesis (central, overarching point). This will be your *summary.*

  • Post a Response (Length: Two Paragraphs):
    • 1. For each article (by Morrison and Hellman), copy and paste a quote (1-2 sentences)  that you found meaningful. Then paraphrase (put the quote in your own words)  and explain why you were drawn to it, commenting either on the idea or the writing technique.
    • 2. Respond with your own thoughts about the ideas in each article.   Be creative, be honest! College is about independent thought!

To comment on any post, click on the “comments” icon (above). You will then see a screen come up with LEAVE A REPLY. That is where you want to comment.

We will discuss your Replies  in class; also be ready to share any unfamiliar words that you looked up and ideas/questions that arose for you while reading.

Hailey Lopez

Hi guys, my name is Hailey Lopez. My pronouns are she/her. My ethnicity is Puerto Rican and Ecuadorian, I was born and raised in Williamsburg New York, and I am the first in my family to go to college. Somethings I like to do on my free time would have to be to go exploring seeing new places and spending time with friends and family. I joined City Tech to study in the Architectural Technology field. I have experience in this field being that my High School was also a study in this field which is cool. Beginning college is both exciting and a little scary. It’s exciting because I get to continuing to expand my knowledge on Architecture. But feels like something that I have been saying for the longest and am finally able to do. I hope to learn a lot from all my professors and make great connections with my peers.

One place that is meaningful to me would have to be my middle school although it was a long time ago it was when I figured out who I was and what I wanted to do in life. I had great connections with people that are still in my life to this day and every time I think about a calm time period in my life I am always found back to those years. I made the most impressionable memories of my life there.

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