Maureen Neuringer | COMD 3711 - Section OL70 | Fall 2021

02 Homework

Follow the technique and color sample in the directions.

  • Use “02_Appear.docx” directions with 02_RGBwithCenterGuides.ait that were emailed to you on September 1, 2021, to complete this homework assignment.

Due Date(s)

  • All work should be submitted by 3:00 pm the Tuesday before class. Send it to Professor in .ai format. Each file should be saved according to the following naming convention. i.e., (Adobe Illustrator).


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1 Comment

  1. Gloria Rosario

    Question 01
    The value of the appearance panel is that is very helpful when making changes to an object and keeping its original size and shape and Alterations can be made to an object or layer. It allow us to change the width and type of strokes which helps alter the object. Also, the ability to add new fills and stroke and adding effects to these objects. I think that appearance panel is very easy to maneuver and a great tool that helps create interesting effects to the design. I can tell I have a shape by clicking view then outline and that will show me the plain document and the shape that is the background.

    Question 02
    Two things that I can do in the appearance channel are adding multiple strokes to an object and adding Visual effects. The best way to add multiple strokes is by clicking on the appearance panel and playing around with the settings. This allow us to change the size of the stroke, color and opacity which help create interesting borders for the object. The Fx ( button to add new effects) allow us to do multiples things. For example, we can add 3D effects to the shape, distort and transform, brush strokes, sketch and many more.

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