Tag Archives: reading

Assignment 1B

Both Jabr and Badke, explain the differences between digital books and printed books. In “The Reading Brain in the Digital Age: The Science of Paper versus Screens” by Ferris Jabr, Jabr describes his share of information regarding the evolution of digital books pertaining to generations. Generally youngsters of our generation only know iPhones, iPads, kindles, nooks etc. Whether it is a device for communication or reading, technology has advanced. I find digital reading to be much more convenient when I’m on the train or ferry. Its simple to grasp any reading material through smartphones on apps. As such digital devices have become increasingly popular, it may be notable to wonder if electronics are as helpful as printed paper. I have found holding a printed book may sometimes hurt my hand after awhile. However through digitally, reading is not tedious. Lastly I believe reading through a screen does not affect your memory. In my opinion I can read online lectures, and maintain the information just the same as through a printed physical copy. Jabr is trying to show us how technology has changed digitally through reading, however printed books will not be forgotten.

The future of the book

The text I chose to read is an article in The Economist titled From Papyrus to Pixels, the article focuses primarily on the on going debate and arguments about the “future of the book.” I read a digital copy of the article online. I find that digital copies are easier to find and easier to get access to. However, if I am studying or taking notes I have to have a printed copy of the material in front of my eyes to further grasp what I am reading. If I just read an article on my phone or iPad I can’t remember the last two sentences. As opposed to a printed article where I can fold the page or highlight it myself with a traditional highlighter. It all depends on what I am reading. I love to read various fanfictions online. I normally dislike reading of any sort but I can spend hours reading good fan-fictions on my phone. In my case I am a bit contradicted on my views of printed text and digital text. The article emphasizes that many people are worried about what technology has and will continue to do for the future of books. We are in a digital age where some people may prefer to read traditional hard copy books, whilst others may just stream books on their devices. I agree with the following quote, “books are not just “tree flakes encased in dead cow”, as a scholar once wryly put it. They are a technology in their own right” (The Economist). I don’t think that books will ultimately disappear into thin air or that people will just do away with it. Books serve to be a prominent aspect of our history and there will always be someone who just prefers the smell of a new book or the feeling of turning a page.


Summary- “From papyrus to pixels; The future of the book”

In the article “From papyrus to pixels; The future of the book”, The Economist gives input on how books have changed to electronic assets readers can now use. Books have now been made on e-books, kindles, nooks, etc. The Economist believes that electronic books have not destroyed reading, but have instead expanded reading. For instance, books have evolved in the form of becoming more convenient for some people. E-books allow readers to pick up books within their touch, by simply tapping and purchasing them. Therefore it is possible to not have to physically go to a store or library, searching for a book one may desire. I find the idea of electronic books to be helpful, arranging a quicker way to get what you want in the world of reading. Lastly, The Economist states that books as a whole, “are a technology in their own right, one developed and used for the refinement and advancement of thought.” By saying this it is concluded that books have developed naturally, technology has always existed and will continue to advance.

Question: If generally books are a technology, why should a certain type of book be condemned by society?