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Assignment 7B

The Freedom of Information Act is an act that serves as an advocate for the archive. It contains declassified documents, presidential paper collections, congressional records, and court testimony. It partners with the archive to “Track United States government agencies and federal records repositories for documents that either have been released before, or that help to shed light on the decision making process of the united states government and provide the historical context underlying those decisions. This benefits citizens because it keeps citizens up-to-date on what’s going on in the world. It informing about things they wouldn’t here in the newspapers or on the TV news. It was stated that “The archive’s mission of guaranteeing the public’s right to know extends to other countries outside the United States.”

Assignment 6B

Martin’s book being available on the web is him trying to prove to you that you can gain knowledge from anywhere. In order to receive knowledge about something you have to first research it. Martin states “Research is the process of testing existing knowledge and developing new knowledge.” Martin discusses in his book the politics of research. When it comes to politics and the government its always about money. In his book he talks about knowledge being overpowered by people in higher ranking, meaning people with more money.

After reading his chapter I see that he demonstrates that scholarship should be liberated. He stated something very interesting ” The belief in “academic Freedom” for scholars to pursue teaching and research provides a convenient way for universities to appear to serve the general interest while still catering for those with more power and money.” We should be able to gain any knowledge/receive any information we need freely.

Assignment 5B

David Weinberger discusses the term “the infrastructure of knowledge” in his book, Too Big to Know. With this term he says that when it comes to finding and gaining knowledge we must first sift through a ton of data that could possibly be meaningless to us at that particular time. There is an order when conducting research, which starts with figuring out what one is trying to gain by conducting research, beginning said research, refining that search, filtering out data or information we do not need, especially in this day and age where we can get too much information, before finding what we wanted to know. There is a difference between information and knowledge.

With so much information being at our fingertips, it would be easy to get or find irrelevant information. As well as, not being able to find accurate information on the subject we may be researching. By understanding how this infrastructure of knowledge works, we can be able to crucial information faster and more efficiently while making sure that whatever we find will be useful to us and our projects. We can put this information to better use and garner more knowledge from it.

Assignment #7B

The FOIA also known as “Freedom of Information Act” is a system that was set up for scholars and students in different areas who wished to have access on certain declassified data.  In the article “Unredacted” it is mentioned, “The Archive also serves as a repository of government records on a wide range of topics pertaining to the national security, foreign, intelligence, and economic policies of the United States” (para.1).  Before this act came about many people did not have admittance to such information.  Throughout this article the author explains how important it is for people around the world to be informed about what is going on, whether if it is just for personal knowledge or for a research paper.

The Archive staff members are in charge of locating certain information regarding the U.S. government and their agencies as stated in the article, ”             Archive staff members systematically track U.S. government agencies and federal records repositories for documents that either have never been released before, or that help to shed light on the decision-making process of the U.S. government and provide the historical context underlying those decisions” (para.2).  The American agency that administers the work that is proposed in the FOIA is a non-governmental research institute and library located at The George Washington University.  Another way of accessing information from this Archive collection is through the web on I believe it does benefit citizens all over because it helps us justify certain situations and as it said in the article it also assists on decision making as well. Everyone has the right to know what is going on around the world whether its good or bad.  We deserve to be informed at all times.

Assignment 5B

In David Weinberger’s “Too Big To Know” knowledge is considered to be “overload” and being “just data” that by itself is nothing until it is process- and the outcome information. The author states that information is to data what wine is to the vineyard- the delicious extract and distillate. So what does Weinberger means by “infrastructure of knowledge”? First one has to know what infrastructure means- it is simply “organizational structure needed for the operation of a society or enterprise. According to Weinberger you have to refine the data to produce information, and you have refined the information to generate something of greater value. You have got to call it something. How about “Knowledge”?  that is a know-how that transforms “information into instructions,” such as knowing how a system works or how to make it work in a desired way.” For example the author give the illustration of understanding the world that far outruns our brain’s capacity has been filter, winnow and otherwise reduce to something more manageable, by using editorial filters. In essence knowledge has been about reducing what we need to know.

Thus, how can an understanding of knowledge infrastructure make us better researchers. Since we have established that infrastructure is about organizational structure, knowing how the “data” or “information” structure function is key. How does “data” or “information” sources work that will give the best knowledgeable output when researching. Is there an heirachy of information and how does it work?


Assignment #5B

David  Weinberger, “Too Big To Know” discusses infrastructure of knowledge. Weinberger mentions that there was always a vast amount of information. With the help of the internet the amount of information can now be seen. The only difference is that the information that was shown in the past was not just information, but knowledge of it as well. The internet has given us the same amount of information but now, some information is useless. The task is left for us to decide whether the information we obtain is what we need. Weinberger gives an example of what books a library has in its collection. Libraries don’t obtain all the books published, they filter to see what books they should have by the users. Weinberger mentions six type of filters we can use to simplify the web, but the web has no shape. The web is endless with no boundaries and no structure for foundation.

An understanding of knowledge infrastructure can make us better researchers by allowing us to see how to tackle the vast amount of information. The web has endless information and no structure. It is up to us to find “filters” for the information the web gives us. Information of the data is useless, unless we have the knowledge to understand it. Since there is no structure to knowledge, the way we understand the information is different for each person.

Assignment 5B

In “Too Big To Know,” David Weinberger discusses how the concept of knowledge has changed from us wanting to “know our world” to us really trying to understand what knowledge truly is with the creation and increasing usage of the internet.  Weinberger says our culture has viewed knowledge “as the most profound of human goals”, but knowledge has come to mean different things to everyone and that is what makes the internet the perfect foundation for knowledge to thrive and evolve.  Weinberger states:

“Rather than knowing-by-reducing- to what fits in a library or a scientific journal, we are knowing-by-including every draft of every idea in vast, loosely connected webs.  And that means knowledge is not the same as it was .  Not for science, not for business, not for education, not for government, not for any of us.”

Knowledge is too vast and encompasses so many layers that it has to be contained in some way to be understood.  By using the term, “the infrastructure of knowledge,” Weinberger is referring to the system or platform knowledge relies upon to be understood as knowledge.

Understanding knowledge infrastructure can make us better researchers because we can have the option to use multiple sources and come up with our own interpretation of what we are researching.  This ultimately will allow us to come to our own conclusions and understandings of a topic.  It also helps us see there is no correct way or “one-way” in approaching a subject and that we can pull information from various places to become more knowledgeable about something.  Knowledge is dependent upon connection and networking.

Assignment #6B

I believe Martin made his book available as a PDF to further show his support for the freedom of knowledge.  Throughout his chapter he does raise fairly intriguing insight on the fact that the majority of knowledge around the world is controlled by hierarchies and organized by certain disciplinarians. The sad truth about it all is that it is all for the gain of money.  In “The politics of research” Martin explains this, “The important point, though, is that members of each discipline jealously guard their own little patch of knowledge.  They attempt to control teaching of students in their discipline, appointments in the field and the type of research that is published in the field’s central journals” (p.128).  By doing this certain places such as universities are only given access to these databases and knowledge by funding them in a large way.

Another unfortunate fact is that many academics apparently look down on schools and universities that seem to be popular. As Martin says, “The latter are a threat because they have a power base not controlled by the discipline itself”(p.131).  Even though these particular universities may be filled with highly skilled scholars they are still perceived as suspicious and they are not guaranteed access to the wide sources of information that is provided to others.  I presume that scholarship should be liberated and we all should be given access to the many different scholarly data out there to add on to our own knowledge.

Assignment 5B: The Infrastructure of Knowledge

David Weinberger discusses in his work “Too Big to Know”, how knowledge has changed over the course of time due to the development of the Internet. He speaks about how people use to have to go to school for long periods of time to achieve their degree and become actual experts in a subject. However, now in this day in age, people are considered experts just by their efforts of blogging and writing a post on social media about a particular matter. When Weinberger speaks about the infrastructure of knowledge, he is referring to the variety of ways knowledge can be achieved or portrayed. By knowledge infrastructure, Weinberger means the organization and structure of knowledge. He believes that knowledge is based on “credentials” such as degrees and publications and not simple opinions.

According to Weinberger the infrastructure of knowledge is the multiple ways people can achieve knowledge and currently the way people achieve it is not really successful. The way we grab knowledge has also changed because of the internet. The way we receive knowledge has also changed by the information given over the internet. Weinberger states that “knowledge is constantly questioned, challenged, rethought, and rewritten.” The infrastructure of knowledge Weinberger is referring to is the way we look for and receive knowledge, because of so many new networks becoming available. We can not rely on the internet too much. We have to research more in order to know if the information is accurate.He further discusses the topic of networking knowledge in his book. “Knowledge now lives not just in libraries and museums and academic journals. It lives not just in the skulls of individuals. Knowledge is now a property of the network, and the network embraces businesses, governments, media, museums, curated collections, and minds in communication.” There is so many different ways of receiving knowledge that it can be a bit overwhelming. Some resources seem more knowledgeable than others and it is up to us to decide which we believe is more accurate and well- informed.

Weinberger does reinforce that knowledge makes us better researchers in a way that we should be aware of credible and reliable information. When we have credible information and we know it is credible, the researching process becomes much easier. Yes, there is an information “overload” as Weinberger puts it, but we have filters. These filters ” increase information and reveal the whole deep sea” ( 13).  There is so much information out there and there is no “running away from knowledge” we just need to know how to require information without overloading our brains. It makes the researcher find information faster by being able to find whatever they are looking for and by using certain keywords. The infrastructure (to knowledge) can be viewed as a better viewing for internet researchers. The reason to that is because there is more access to knowledge on different topics, but the only thing with that is that you would have to research more, in order to make sure that the information is accurate and not just some unreliable information.