Author Archives: rworrell

Poilce confronts Rising Number of Mentally Ill Suspects After the Shooting dead of a Mentally Ill man “James Boyd”. According to the article, there is a significant rise in the number of mentally ill individuals without proper mental health care, who come in contact with the criminal … Continue reading

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Minnesota’s High Court Rules Encouraging Suicide Isn’t A crime. When I say the headline I said to myself “this looks good.” After I read the article I said to myself “this is insane”. In my opinion encouraging someone to commit suicide is just as criminal as assisting the … Continue reading

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This article was discussed briefly in class. It is devastating to read that such mayhem is taking place in our prison system. The article highlighted the fact that the mentally ill and other inmates are being victimized by the correction … Continue reading

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New Hampshire House of Representatives voted to repeal the death penalty. Some of the representatives believe it to be a “Barbaric practice, while others believe that it is applied based on race. This article is very interesting. Have a read and tell me your opinions.

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Excessive force used by Oklahoma law enforcement officers results in death

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