Author Archives: Farah F

Ariel Castro’s alleged abuse, sadism is all too common

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Hero cop, who sat next to the first lady, charged with rape

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‘Psychiatric bible’ tackles grief, binge eating, drinking

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A murder in Greenwich Village

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Staten Island Wholesale King Pleads Guilty to Bank Fraud

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A Court Rule Directs Cases Over Friskings to One Judge

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Chase for Escaped Prisoner Shuts Subway Lines

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Kelly Said Street Stops Targeted Minorities, Senator Testifies   The “Stop-and-Frisk” encounters in the streets of NYC are a very hot topic right now. I think that it only ignites more anger from the black and latino communities when they are the only ones that are being … Continue reading

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NY state sen. arrested in alleged mayor race plot I think its right that the Senator was arrested, although politics is never a clean and honest, I  do think that for such an important race such as the position of  New York City mayor  honesty should be part … Continue reading

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Cartels send agents to US, including Chicago burbs This short article was very interesting because it ties in with the information the speaker from a few weeks ago provided us with. Its pretty shocking at what the Cartels from Mexico are willing to do to expand their … Continue reading

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