Manhattan man who stabbed parents with scissors

Manhattan Man who stabbed his parents with a pair of scissors.
A 27 year old man was arrested on monday for stabbing both his parents with a pair of scissors. The police are questioning him for his fathers death but yet his mother is in stable condition from the stabbing in her chest. The article states that the family has issues to the point where they argue amongst one another. Obviously things did not take effect in a positive way to prevent the violent incident. Please Google Manhattan man charged for stabbing parents from the Wall Street Journal

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4 Responses to Manhattan man who stabbed parents with scissors

  1. It is just unbelievable what a person can do to his parents. As a human services worker to understand why he stubbed his parents I would have to find out what was happening at that household. The article stated that “Police have responded to several disputes involving Mr. Powe and family members, including his sister and mother, the official said”. So my hypothesis is that they had trouble communicating in a proper way and resolving family issues. Probably family counseling and anger management classes would have been helpful to them, so that they could learn some skills on how to deal with the situations they were in.

    • I agree Patrycja, I know for a fact that the violent incident could have been prevented in so many ways. In terms of seeking individual/family counseling before the situation between Mr.Powe and his family, would have benefit them with learning how to cope when anger and different emotions sets into their disputes with each other.

  2. There has to be some undercurrent as to why Anthony Powe enacted such violence toward his parents. Also, as both comments above stated, there definitely could have been some anger management activities that he should have taken part of in order to prevent this from happening. I hope there will be a follow up on this article. It would be very helpful to learn why Mr. Powe commit these crimes.

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