About Jenny Phan

Dental Hygiene Student
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2 Responses to

  1. rworrell says:

    I saw this story on the news and found it very disturbing. Mr Wen Hui was attacked and died as a result. Our society is becoming a dangerous place where the elderly is prayed upon. From looking at the video footage of this savage attach it appears that the assailant preyed on Mr Hui because he was an elderly man, who he thought could easily be taken advantaged off. The manner in which he attacked the victim was so vicious and inhumane. This may very well not be his first predatory offence. As a human service student , I anxiously await his capture. He needs to be punished by the full extent of the law for what he has done and undergo a thorough psych evaluation. I am leaning towards him being categorized as a psychopath. As to the victims family; they are in need of support and bereavement therapy. It will be difficult for the family to grasp this senseless loss of their relative.

  2. Jenny Phan says:

    I agree with you. Bystanders in the video did not help Mr. Wen Hui when he was attacked by the man. Why do you think that? I agree that he should do a psych evaluation, behavioral and emotional assessment. Also, we want to capture him as soon as possible before he repeats the same mistake to the next victim.

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