NYer Who Faked Drowning Gets 7 Years in Prison


Raymond Roth was sentenced to 2 1/3 to seven years in prison for faking his own drowning. What amazed me about this article was that he faked his drowning for and insurance fraud and his son also helped him. This article brought me back to the realization of how many people need services but sometimes can’t get any meanwhile others get more than what they even need. Example, public assistance. I have seen many that walk in to fill out an application and have designer everything. My question is as a Human Service worker, what steps can we take to prevent this from happening? Can we ever truly identify who needs what and who is just “faking” the need for help? I am sure that I am not the only one who has seen a scenario where someone is getting help/assistance for the wrong reasons, how is this still going on or better yet why?

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