Monthly Archives: March 2014

This is a bit old, but I found it very interesting. Does Rehabilitation end with counseling ? Norway has found another method that has shown to be very effective.

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kidnap-rape-killing plot A former Stuyvesant High School librarian and a mechanic scheme to rape and kill women.

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New Hampshire House of Representatives voted to repeal the death penalty. Some of the representatives believe it to be a “Barbaric practice, while others believe that it is applied based on race. This article is very interesting. Have a read and tell me your opinions.

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Nodding Mother With Child This article reminds me of child abduction where the bystander is witnessing an emergency situation, yet no one intervenes to save him or her. According to the video, how come the person who is recording for 4:24 mins and … Continue reading

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Police Detain Gov’t Employee in Beating of Nurse

Police Detain Govt Employee in Beating of Nurse This article shows that anger could truly erupt into issues that one cannot undo.

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Can forgiveness play a role in criminal justice? Reading this article, had me extremely horrified and thinking, why would a person want to shoot the love of their life? Conor Mcbride shoots his fiance in the head because of the arguments they both have been having over … Continue reading

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Excessive force used by Oklahoma law enforcement officers results in death

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Baruch College Student’s Death Is Ruled a Homicide During a fraternity Initiation to Pi Delta Psi, sadly a pledge died. Hazing is illegal but yet it happens secretly during some fraternity Initiations. Hazing appears to place individuals in stressful situations they may not be able to control. … Continue reading

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