Prison Population Can Shrink When Police Crowd Streets

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One Response to Prison Population Can Shrink When Police Crowd Streets

  1. Account Deleted says:

    I think adding more police on the street will help to reduce crime, because more poeple would be afraid to commit a crime with police there. I think random stops by police to certain areas will also help to reduce crime, because the ones committing the crimes will never know when the police will show up. I think NYC needs to prioritize better in terms of where their money goes. I think more police presence within our communities should be one of their highest priorities. However, i’m not a huge fan of the stop and frisk law. I feel that throughout the years stop and frisk has been a law that has been abused. I’m not sure how much the stop and frisk law has actually helped to reduce the number of crimes in NYC, but I do feel that this law has done nothing but made some races feel like they are targets by the police. I think just allowing more police to be present in the community would do a lot good.

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