Class Info

  • Meeting ID: 984 6938 7899
  • Passcode: 123123

To-Do Before Class

  • Module 2 Drawing Assignment 
    • Lay out grid lines and block out plan detail (all detail drawings to be done at 1/2″ = 1′-0″ scale)
    • Upload progress scans to Dropbox
    • Due Friday, 10/23 by 12:00pm
    • Upload to Dropbox here
  • Reading #5, Building Envelope 7.02, 7.22, 7.28-7.29, 7.39-7.47
    • Group C to present (upload presentation to Dropbox here)
    • All students submit scanned + formatted Reading Notes+ Sketches
      • Due Friday, 10/23 by 12:00pm
      • Upload to Dropbox here


Federal Hall Building Envelope


  • Apply contemporary masonry wall construction concepts to Federal Hall


  • Group C – Reading #5 presentation
  • Reading #5 recap
  • Federal Hall wall construction details
  • Plan and Section in-class drawing demonstration

To-Do After Class

  • Module 2 Drawing Assignment 
    • Lay out grid lines and develop plan detail
    • Using plan detail, lay out and develop section detail
    • All detail drawings to be done at 1/2″ = 1′-0″ scale
    • Upload progress scans to Dropbox
    • Due Friday, 10/30 by 12:00pm
    • Upload to Dropbox here for plan and section
  • Reading #6, Windows 8.22-8.23, 8.27
    • Group D to present next class (upload presentation to Dropbox here)
    • All students submit scanned + formatted Reading Notes+ Sketches
      • Due Friday, 10/30 by 12:00pm
      • Upload to Dropbox here