A foundation course in typography

Day: August 30, 2016

Hello my name is Justine

My name is Justine Lee. I was born and raised in New York City. My parents are both from Hong Kong and came to the States at a very young age. I would say that I am determined, strong-hearted, ambitious, and a bit of a perfectionist. I just graduated from Borough of Manhattan Community College (BMCC) with an Associates in Liberal Arts. At the City College of Technology, I hope to earn my Bachelors in Communication Design with a specialization in Graphic Design. I love playing volleyball and softball. I have been playing since my sophomore year in high school. When I was at BMCC, I was on the Varsity Volleyball Team for the 2 years I was attending. Also, I love drawing and creating new designs. At one point, I created my own T-shirt designs. I hope to get back into creating more designs in the near future.

In my free time, if I am not playing volleyball or hanging out with friends, I am catching up on my favorite shows. My favorite show is Game of Thrones. I also enjoy watching anime. Haikyū!! and Naruto Shippuden would have to be my top two favorites. After attaining my B. Tech, I aspire to get a job working for a big company like Nike or Adidas. But for now, I’ll be taking things one day at a time and will continue to grow with each day.

Furthermore, I would like to give credit to my classmate, Dante Lai-Fang for designing my name tag. Even though my name wasn’t easy to work with, he managed to incorporate everything I told him about me. This is an awesome and accurate name tag that describes who I am.


Hey my name is Melissa !

My name is Melissa Carrillo, born and raised in Brooklyn, New York.  One of my  favorite things in the world are my two dogs, Bailey and Koko. I used to have the biggest fear of dogs for about the longest time until just last year when I got my first dog. Im a total dog lover, and also totally into sports. I spend most of my whole life playing sports. Which include soccer and softball, and running as a stress reliever. I would consider my self a very interesting and caring person on the inside. I enjoy listing to people’s problems and giving the best advice that I possibly can make of. I’ve been into art since middle school, and I’ve majored in Graphic Design all my High School years.

Im typically a busy person, due to the fact that I work five times a week and do sports at the same time. I enjoy reading, recently more into poetry .That pretty much sums up the basics of me.

Hey, my name is Ezra!

My name is Shalimar but I prefer to be called Ezra. I am going to be 19 in a few days and I grew up for the most part in Queens, NYC and I’m Puerto Rican [Although most believe otherwise haha].  Growing up I was always into the creative side of myself and always caught drawing or doodling on any paper honestly. In middle school, I really began to attempt to take it seriously but it was then when I was in 8th grade I found my love for anime Japanese styled drawings. Following to high school I began to really explore more anime and found  myself loving Tokyo Ghoul, Fairy Tail, Deadman Wonderland, Magi, Mirai Nikki [Particularly dark/horror/gore anime/manga series and I’d name my favorite manga but then this would be too long] etc. Now as I explored the Asian culture more I found a super interest in  kpop/khh which translates to Korean pop/Korean hip-hop music which is a very big part of my life now for 6 years [EXO, Monsta X, B.A.P, BTS, AOMG, VIXX, GOT7, Bewhy, V-Hawk].

Currently, I draw digitally in anime style on my Wacom bamboo art tablet for about 3-4 years now. I hope to improve more and more in it but I have plenty of time until I can say I am personally proud of my work. Also, I’d like to mention finally I have an odd addiction to ice cream and if I can have any sweet I’d eat forever it’d be that. Also, I’d like to thank my new COMD 1100-1167 friend Christian for my name tag using my love for Tokyo Ghoul as inspiration!

Christian Martinez

Hey everyone, my name is Christian Martinez and I am from Queens. I also go by Chris for short, in case the name tag confused you for a minute. The reason I am here is because of my dream to become a game designer. I know that I can’t just jump straight to that, so I have to start small, and that’s where this class comes in. Ever since I was little, I was always into video games, and as I saw them evolve into what they are now, I only grew more amazed. Not only that, but as I got older, I even started to appreciate animations more, mostly from some online shows. I thought about how people were able to make stuff like that, and it inspired me to want to work in that field.

I can be described as somewhat lazy, but when it comes to work (and whatever I’m interested in), I do my best to get it done and to get it right. I’m into anime like Naruto, Dragon Ball and One Punch Man. Of course, I like more, but I’m not going to get into it right now. I’m a gamer at heart, which is the main reason why I want to do the whole game designer thing. I’m into games like Final Fantasy, Uncharted, Destiny, etc. I’m also into Marvel Comics (this extends to the movies) and DC Comics. In the future, I want to help make the games that people around the world would play. I would like to thank Ezra for creating this name tag for me. I did tell her she could have used other anime sources, since she just used stuff from Naruto, but I still like it. I mean, it was one of the first animes I ever watched growing up, so I’m cool with it.

Hey, My name’s Christof

Well I am 18 years old coming into this class and my main goal is to get good at this subject through practice and dedication. I have spent most of my life influenced by anime and video games. Anime like Dragonball Z and Naruto and video games like Mario Kart and Final Fantasy. My end goal in life is to be a game designer for a large company, which I feel would take an immense amount of effort but I am ready for the work. I also feel that something people need to know is that I don’t talk much and tend to only speak up if I feel comfortable. I am outgoing when I get into it though and will get things done.

The picture credits go to Anderley who wanted to do more and fix it up but we did not have enough time. We had at least three more ideas to add to each of ours but maybe next time.

Hi, my name is Nirel

I am 19  years old and grew in Staten Island, NY . Since I was a little girl I have always had an interest in nature, animals and all forms of art. I would consider myself to be a reserved and open minded person but a huge part of me is also dorky and not as serious as I may seem. Growing up, art and music has been a major outlet in expressing myself and molding the person I am today. Some of my favorite artists and musicians include Frida Kahlo, Salvador Dali, Radiohead, Smashing Pumpkins, The Smiths, Lou Reed, and Sonic Youth to name a few.  I got into graphic design in high school and it felt like a natural fit for me because drawing was something I enjoyed doing already and I felt like learning to do it on a computer would broaden my horizons.  Besides my love for art, I have an immense love for my family. I have very supporting parents, a twin sister and a cat and dog.  They are my support system and I am very grateful to have such a loving family.

I give credit to Niki who drew my name in a way that portrayed my love for animals and nature.

Who I am

Hi. My name is Nicole Harripersad. I was born and raised in Brooklyn. And I moved to Staten island when I was 10. Staten Island is my new home now. My whole family is from Trinidad and Tobago. My mom was the first person in the family to go to college, next was my older brother, and now me. I’m really shy in the beginning but if you give me a chance I can be very fun and I’m friendly too.  I hope that we can all be friends. I’m a very creative person, I like to spend my time drawing on a Saturday pulling off all nighters, I like to bake a lot of sweets and decorate them too. I came to city tech because of the amazing arts and technology programs that were offered here, also my graphics teacher from my school Amrita Durga, went to City Tech to pursue her dreams. All of my other graphics teachers inspired me to be just like them. I want to be a graphics teacher and have a business on the side creating logos. Also I am very fond of using photoshop. I hope that once I graduate from city tech with my associates and bachelors I can pursue my dream further as a graphics teacher, and hopefully teach one day in a college as a professor. I would like to give credit  to Carmen for drawing my name. She did a great job drawing my name for who I am.

Class 1-Introduction and History of Letterform

Since it was our first class of the semester, it was important that we review the class syllabus, class policies and required materials.

We also reviewed the use of this website and its importance to you during this class. It is where you will find a recap of the lesson and additional reading or resource material. It is important that you check here frequently during the week. There are also time when you will be required to contribute to the content here. As mentioned, this and all class participation is part of your grade.


Your Next Steps

  • Make sure you have access to your City Tech email account. This is where the college and I will communicate with you about college related information.
  • Purchase your required textbook.
  • Purchase your required supplies.
  • Complete the contact information questionnaire.
  • Read very first post entitled “Welcome” and type your answer to the question in the comments section.


Class Recap: History of Letterform

  • There are many different typefaces or fonts available for use. As the designer your will be responsible for selecting the typeface or font, the point size, the linespace (also known as leading). Typography is practiced by typesetters, graphic designers, art directors and even graffiti artists.
  • How is letterform studied? Through epigraphy, paleography, and calligraphy.
  • Letterform means a letter’s shape. It is also an synonym of the word glyph. Glyph = a specific way a letter or character is drawn. Let’s take a look at the evolution of letterform to understand who we got to our modern day 26 letter alphabet.
  • Pictographs were used as the earliest known form of writing, examples having been discovered in Egypt and Mesopotamia from before 3000 BC.
  • Ideographs are symbols that represent an ideal rather than just a word. Eventually, there were so many combinations of symbols that it became a problem to memorize them all. The term “ideogram” is used to describe logographic writing systems such as Egyptian hieroglyphs and Chinese characters.
  • The evolution of our 26 letter alphabet—Phoenician alphabet, Greek alphabet, Roman alphabet.
  • One of the reasons the capital letters didn’t have curves is because the writings were carved into stone or other hard surfaces.
  • Originally, alphabets were only written as capital (majuscule) letters. Writing quickly with the pen is caused the letters to take on a curved shape and that is how small (minuscule) letters developed.
  • The early writings of the Greeks and Romans had no punctuation—the words either ran together or were sometimes separated by a dot or dash.
  • Punctuation was formalized with the rise of printing in the14th and 15th centuries.

Download a copy of the slide presentation — History of Letterform


Homework: Due Wed, 8/31

  • Purchase required materials. (Books should be in the campus bookstore)
  • Reading from text: Development pgs 16-50; become familiar with content on the class website and read the Welcome article on our website and answer the question in the comments section.
  • Complete the contact information questionnaire if you haven’t done so already.
  • Take a cellphone photo of your nametag that was created in class. Post it on the class website and write 1-2 paragraphs about who you are. Give a credit to the person who created your nametag.

Sherard Quow

My name is Sherard Quow and I am from Brooklyn. I am born into a Caribbean family from St. Vincent and the Grenadines. As a transfer student from Brooklyn College,  I am in City Tech to pursue my bachelor’s degree in Communication Design. I got into doing Graphic Arts from my Fall 2015 semester at Brooklyn College. After that class it really hit me as to what I want to do as a hobby and a career. I have been doing artwork from since high school and have an interest in technology from young. I want to design things, see what I’m designing, and be amazed with the result. I do have other hobbies that I like to do sometimes which include going to the movies, going out to the park with a friend or friends, play basketball, explore the city, workout, etc.  Other than that, I am a  chill kind of person and also pretty outgoing.  I would like to thank Melissa for the great drawing of my name (even though she almost forgot the first “r” and we are going to work on not forgetting any letters of my name in the future :P) and her point of view on what she feels describes me in a typographical art form.