My name is Sherard Quow and I am from Brooklyn. I am born into a Caribbean family from St. Vincent and the Grenadines. As a transfer student from Brooklyn College,  I am in City Tech to pursue my bachelor’s degree in Communication Design. I got into doing Graphic Arts from my Fall 2015 semester at Brooklyn College. After that class it really hit me as to what I want to do as a hobby and a career. I have been doing artwork from since high school and have an interest in technology from young. I want to design things, see what I’m designing, and be amazed with the result. I do have other hobbies that I like to do sometimes which include going to the movies, going out to the park with a friend or friends, play basketball, explore the city, workout, etc.  Other than that, I am a  chill kind of person and also pretty outgoing.  I would like to thank Melissa for the great drawing of my name (even though she almost forgot the first “r” and we are going to work on not forgetting any letters of my name in the future :P) and her point of view on what she feels describes me in a typographical art form.