Wrapping Up the Semester

This afternoon is our final class! A few things to keep in mind as we wrap up this semester:

Final Project Presentations (Part II) & End-of-the-Semester Celebration (yay!)
Today during class we’ll have presentations from Jodie & Mariah. Looking forward to hearing about your projects!

We will also be celebrating the end of the semester, so you’re welcome to bring in snacks to share with the class and we can enjoy refreshments during the presentations (I will bring in some goodies as well).

Course Reflections
As you know, your Individual Final Course Reflection is due by the start of class today, Th 12/17 (this is a mandatory–not optional–assignment). Refer to the Final Course Reflection page on our site for details on this assignment.

Final Project Grades / Final Course Grades

The deadline for professors to submit final course grades for the Fall 2015 semester is M 12/28 at midnight. Please wait to view your course grade online through CUNYfirst (I will not be giving out final course grades via e-mail).

Final grades are non-negotiable, though I am always more than happy to discuss them/your work with you at any point in person. If you would like to discuss any of your grades/receive additional feedback on your Project (project grades will be posted as a “private” comment to your Final Project posts on our OpenLab site), feel free to e-mail me to do so (we can always also schedule an appointment to discuss your work in-person when we return to campus at the end of January, when the new semester starts up).

Thank you, & stay in touch!
Finally, it was a pleasure to work with you all this semester. I wish you the best of luck wrapping up the semester and on your final exams, and in your future endeavors in the PTW major, at City Tech, & beyond. You all worked incredibly hard this semester, and I really appreciate your consistent effort and good cheer each week (especially for a 1 hour 40 min. class in a hot stuffy classroom, with only seven of us!). I hope you enjoyed yourselves and learned a lot about new media composing and critical thinking / reading / writing / reflection. Have a wonderful winter break & happy holiday season (best of luck in 2016!), & don’t hesitate to be in touch /stop by my office in future semesters to discuss your work in this course/beyond (or chat new media, or PTW, in general!), and/or to just say hi  :)

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