Homework #1: Cell Phones and Photography

Being a person who uses my phone A LOT to take photos, I do think it comes in handy. Its convenient, small and easy to carry with you and with modern technology these phone cameras are becoming better and better. However, it doesn’t make you a photographer. Knowing the basics and being able to operate a professional camera and produce photos is really the core of photography, not just from using a smart phone. Not everyone knows how to take photos from the best angles, get the best lighting etc, filtering, these are all things you can do with a smartphone but it takes away from the real art of photography. If these people label themselves as Professional Photographers than anyone can be one! As long as you have the latest IPhone.

I think the video of the Iphone only being used for taking photos of your food is hilarious. Only because I am a food stylist and run my own Instgram food page, @LettuceEatWithLeecy, all photos of food I cook at home or in class at school, that I have out to eat and restaurants, and I also include my rating and full review. Taking photos of food for me is a hobby, its fun and something I enjoy because I am a foodie and hospitality student! My friends and family are used to it now whenever they are with me, no one is allowed to touch their food until I have my winning shot. Organizing the table and making sure its symmetric and looks appealing is the goal. So its not just taking photos of your food because you want to look like you have an interesting life, its food styling and potentially a real job you can get hired and paid for such as for food magazines, websites, chefs, and restaurants.

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