Targeting the Johns in Sex Trade

Targeting the Johns in Sex Trade

Human trafficking is a crime and has become a serious issue. Women and young girls are more likely to be kidnapped and sold for sex, money or illegal drugs. Some women sell sex on their own, but coercion, beatings and recruitment of underage girls are central to the business as well”. From what I heard, In China and Vietnam, some parents sell their children to traffickers because of their family’s financial circumstances.What can we do or help them?. We could provide various services for them; however, it takes a long process to receive services, such as food assistance, cash assistance, housing, and Medicaid. Because of that, some women may think it is faster to get money by selling their body for a living. What do you think? How can we improve the system?

“That’s happening more often, although the punishments are typically minimal. Here in Chicago, the men arrested were taken to another hotel room and made to watch a video about the risks of prostitution — such as sexually transmitted diseases — and then given a $500 ticket. They are advised to pay the fine immediately or a registered letter will be sent to their home address. There is no criminal record, and the men are released in about 30 minutes.”  I think the police officers should send men to jail for years and then show them  “the risks of prostitution  — such as sexually transmitted diseases —” than a $500 ticket.

About Jenny Phan

Dental Hygiene Student
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5 Responses to Targeting the Johns in Sex Trade

  1. To improve the system the government should take control in ways of giving them consequences to deal with in terms of preventing the issues of selling women and young girls ” Serving serious jail time with no bail” . I think the reason why human trafficking is still affecting society is because the men who are doing the crime are not suffering for what they have done. Parents who sell their children for a ridiculous amount of money are just plain Heartless. I know the families need money to survive, but at the same time your losing a child you can gain future happiness with. After-all you cant be living in poverty forever a change can always come for the better. I want to know how parents personally feel while they are in such a terrible position? And what gives the Human Traffickers so much power to do such crime?

  2. I must admit that as a human service student, i do not know enough about this issue to accurately state what should be done, without knowing what has already been done. I believe prevention, and cognitive behavioral re-calibration would be a great start, and since human trafficking also happens in the United states, that would be a great place to start.

  3. rworrell says:

    I believe that individuals found engaging in human trafficking or sex with minors,should be punished to the full extent of the law. these victims are forced to engage in habits not of their own choosing. Prostitution as a choice is considered a legal form of employment in some states.however, in others it is punishable by law.The rehabilitation of those that violate the human rights of others should include education, and as mentioned before cognitive behavioral therapy.

  4. Jenny Phan says:

    I agree with you guys. Human trafficking is wrong for sex because it is a form of slavery. As a human service student, we should do something to reduce human trafficking by raising up the issue. As a society, we can pressure the government or the law enforcement to do something to stop trafficking and to raise people’s awareness in world wide.

  5. In my opinion, I believe that people who are engaging in human trafficking should be put in prison for life because they have ruined the lives of minors. This is extremely disturbing, to hear that minors are having sex with people older than them. This instills the minor to be devastated in their future and the minor will not forget about what happened to them because they were younger, vulnerable and couldn’t make choices for themselves. The society must think about how they are hurting these children and what they are doing to their future. There are many other ways to make money, not only by selling a child for sex. As a human services student, I would want this issue to be brought up in front of everyone in every community and for individuals to understand what it is and that it is a crime in the New York. I would want to empower and educate as many people as possible so they know what human trafficking is. Lastly, I agree with heather about the cognitive behavioral calibration and just simply educating people from a human services perspective.

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