
It is a leaving season! Yesterday morning I have the last breakfast with one of my roommates Myra who is leaving after breakfast, she gets self-terminated because she has health issue. We take pictures with her, we hug her, we talk about next meet in Disneyland and we say goodbye with our smile, we believe we have the chance to see each other in the future!

Last night we have a retire party for a full-time employee who is work in Yacht&Beach Resort more than 15 years. Our CPs buy chicken, other people cook food for this party, and all of us have a very wonderful time but we should say goodbye again. Next week my coworker Yiki is leaving, she is the housekeeping CP who leaves us first, and then the other one, and then it is my turn! I feel so sad and helpless about our separation,  could we not say goodbye and get together forever?

One day night our manager got Kitchen Sink for us! It is the most famous ice cream in Beach&Cream of our resort. It is a huge portion and should share with at least 4 people! We have such a good time to eat this together and talk about our own food experience with our manager. Our Chinese food scare everybody, such as jelly fish, grass jelly honey tea, they think Chinese people are crazy to eat and love these wired food!

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