Due Dates:
Research Outline due: 12/4 in class
Fill in with your own research the model outline below:
I. Introduction
A. Hook:
B. Transition:
C. Thesis Statement:
II. Reason #1, Evidence #1
A. Topic Sentence:
B. Expand:
C. Introduce:
D. Copy/Cite:
E. Explain:
III. Reason #1, Evidence #2
A. Introduce:
B. Copy/Cite:
C. Explain:
D. Concluding Sentence:
IV. Reason #2, Evidence #1
A. Topic Sentence:
B. Expand:
C. Introduce:
D. Copy/Cite:
E. Explain:
V. Reason #2, Evidence #2
A. Introduce:
B. Copy/Cite:
C. Explain:
D. Concluding Sentence:
VI. Reason #3, Evidence #1
A. Topic Sentence:
B. Expand:
C. Introduce:
D. Copy/Cite:
E. Explain:
VII. Reason #3, Evidence #2
A. Introduce:
B. Copy/Cite:
C. Explain:
D. Concluding Sentence:
VIII. Counter Argument/Counterclaim
A. Introduce:
B. Copy/Cite:
C. Explain
D. But…:
IX. Conclusion
A. Restate Thesis:
B. Highlight Main Points:
C. Prove Thesis:
D. Concluding Statement:
- Follow structure and logical organization of the research outline model.
- Your outline should be typed, in MLA format (doublespaced,
12pt, Times New Roman font with 1-inch margins). - Your name, my name, the due date, and the assignment should all appear at the top
of your first page (no cover page). - Give your outline an interesting and informative title.
- You must include a works cited page.
- The essay must be edited for grammar, typos, and readability.
Late Research Outlines will not be accepted.
Adapted from material by Sarah Paruolo.
“Essay Outline [Advanced]” by Sarah Paruolo is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0