Whats is it like interning at Women’s Press Collective?

Interning at WPC was a unique experience for me. With my prior work experience I wasn’t use to free flowing attitude that the organization has. Its a nice contrast to working in a formal environment where you have to dress in business attire everyday and work within a cubicle space.

In terms of the culture of the workplace environment the environment is very open and informal. As I stated before Women’s Press Collective is volunteer oriented, the volunteers come from all over that support WPC’s message. This the attire is mostly informal unless there is an event and the work areas are open. When it comes to dressing for work its best to wear clothes that you won’t be upset about if they are ruined. Working with the press can be messy with the ink and strong chemicals.

WPC has a system where they keep an update on every project. There are a lot of volunteers and new ones continue to join so it is important that each and every volunteer is updated on projects and the work load of the week. Each project becomes a collective experience with different volunteers coming in each day.