Spring 2022 Internship at Women’s Press Collective

Hello my name is Zhanae Dale and I’m 22 years old and I am a senior at the New York City College of Technology. My major is communication design with a specialty in graphic design and advertising. Women’s Press Collective is a non profit organization that focuses on using print media for socio economic issues within our communities, also to give the working class a voice. The volunteer driven  organization was founded in 1982.  WPC’s publishing and designing specialties open to the public. Small businesses and other non profit organizations can come to WPC for any type print media.

Women’s Press Collective is all about the importance of print media and using this media to the advantage of the people that need their voices heard the most. The media we consume daily (news, social media etc.) is not always the media that will educate and bring awareness to the public. Mainstream media is all about sponsored content. Which puts media in the hands of huge corporations to control. Which means the media we see is basically what these big corporations want us to see. WPC is one of the organizations that fight to get the unrecognized heard with the use of print media and volunteers.

As an intern at Women’s Press Collective I will learn the true history behind organization of the marginalized men and women of the nationally and internationally while also using my design skills to assist small businesses and organization use their voices. Women’s Press Collective grasp my attention because of their mission statement. Many believe that print is dead and we will barley have newspapers, magazines and textbooks because everything will be digital.  WPC continues to show how the print industry is not dead, its alive and well. Ive always disagreed with this opinion because print media is still used in our everyday lives. Print is reliable and predictable and print can help you reach your audience in a sufficient reliable way.