Compare 2 Buildings

David Andrade

Professor Zagaroli

Compare 2 Buildings

The two buildings I will be comparing is an older building with new insides, and a modern condo. One is called Wythe Hotel it used to be an old textile factory that was converted into a modern-day hotel but still has the façade of the original building. I believe it is one of the more interesting buildings in the Williamsburg area because it still has the old charm of the area’s past which was mainly industrial.  The building its self has a very balanced layout. There is a lot of symmetry going on with the building and has those quirky industrial style windows form the late 1800s/ early 1900s.behind that old exterior is a modern structure that inhabits the old building. It gives a sense of preservation because the developer could’ve easily bulldozed the factory and build a new building completely but choose to incorporate the two together giving it nice blend of old and new. 320 Kent Avenue is a recent structure built in the Williamsburg area. It is one of the more interesting developments to go up in recent years because of its unique design. The lower quarter of the building is composed of copper plating meanwhile the upper part in covered in zinc plating showing a strong division. The front elevation of the building has a square hole right through the center giving it some individualistic charm it towards the rear of the building is descends in a stair case-like fashion. Along the balcony’s you can see small gardens promoting an eco-friendly type of view. The last floor line of windows reminds me a barcode and it’s also part of the old domino factory zone that is currently being redeveloped for a modern day Brooklyn.

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