Class Info

  • Date: Tuesday, September 8, 2020
  • Meeting via Zoom: Link and passcode will be provided to all students via email

To-Do Before Class

Complete all To-Do items, Activities, and Assignments from the Class 1 Agenda.


Architectural principles from Vitruvius

Introduction to architectural sketching


  • Demonstrate understanding of some basic concepts, principles, and vocabulary from Vitruvius
  • Demonstrate some basics of architectural sketching — line quality, one- and two-point perspective


  • Share tips and strategies for success in distance learning, as found in the readings
  • Practice observation and description with three buildings — two from the slide images and one image of a building you bring to class
  • View PowerPoint introducing further vocabulary and images for sketching
  • Practice free-hand sketching with attention to line quality and proportion, using one- and two-point perspective

To-Do After Class

  • Comment on the post under “Student Work” > “Discussion: Distance Learning Tips” and share the tip or strategy that you found most valuable. (For yourself, formulate a specific plan for implementing it and, if you are comfortable doing so, share details of your plan.)
  • Study the list of vocabulary terms, below, and find an example of each in the PowerPoint images, or images you find elsewhere. Using images, be able to explain each term at the next class. Come to class with at least one question on a vocabulary term you are unsure of:
    • proportion, balance
    • symmetry, local symmetry
    • module, bay
    • rhythm, repetition
    • verticality, horizontality
    • colonnade, fenestration, façade
    • frontal, oblique, foreshortening
  • Purchase sketching supplies and drafting supplies as listed on the Syllabus. ADDITION — you will need some method of measuring. This can be a free app for your phone, or a 12′ or 25′ tape measure.
  • Writing Assignment: Using concepts from Vitruvius and vocabulary terms we have been studying, write a one-page description of the building you chose and brought to share in Class 2
    • Write in full sentences in paragraph form using 12 point Ariel font on 8 1/2 x 11 inch paper. Place your name, date, course number (ARCH1101), professor’s name (Prof. Smith), and assignment number (Assignment 2in a column in the upper left-hand corner of the paper.
  • Sketching Assignment:
    • Watch the video under “Help & Resources” > “Course Resources” — Top Six Architecture Sketching Techniques
    • Complete or redraw the sketches begun during class (from the PowerPoint slides) utilizing sketching techniques we discussed in class and techniques illustrated in the video
    • Practice the techniques further by sketching a coffee mug, cooking pot, table, chair, or other simple objects at home from multiple points of view (5 sketches)