Professor Smith | Fall 2020

Category: Assignment Posts (Page 2 of 2)

Class 3 – Assignments

In-class sketching assignments

  • A — Sketch of yourself, measured with dimensions
  • B — Sketches of desk shown in PowerPoint or item of furniture in your space: plan and 2 elevations
  • Upload your progress sketches (progress made during class period): SUBMIT

Homework assignments

  • B — Complete the hand sketches of the furniture item begun in class including dimensions
  • C — Begin to create drafted, measured drawings based on your sketches
  • Write into your sketchbook the vocabulary terms we reviewed today in class, with definitions in your own words (and/or an annotated sketch or image)
  • Write into your sketchbook the six tips from the video “Top 6 Architectural Sketching Techniques” (link on the Course Resources page)
  • Upload photos of the above four items: SUBMIT

Class 2 – Assignments

Writing Assignment: Describe Your Chosen Building

  • Please follow the assignment instructions (Activities > Class Agendas > Class 2 Agenda > under To-Do After Class).
  • Upload your Class 2 Writing Assignment: SUBMIT

Sketching Assignments

  • Please follow the assignment instructions (Activities > Class Agendas > Class 2 Agenda > under To-Do After Class).
  • Upload your Class 2 Sketching Assignments: SUBMIT
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