Class Info

  • Date: Tuesday, November 10, 2020
  • Meeting via Zoom: Link and passcode will be provided to all students via email

To-Do Before Class

Complete all To-Do items, Activities, and Assignments from the Class 1 – 9 Agendas and SUBMIT to the appropriate link on the Assignment Posts page. Use the OpenLab gradebook to check for missing items (and let me know if there are any errors).


  • Week 07+09 PowerPoint
    • study the five buildings on slides 9 through 19
    • in your sketchbook, freehand a quick β€œparti” sketch of each building – five quick sketches . . . 30 second sketch per building! (parti sketches can capture a plan idea or section idea or both)
    • which building do you think is most interesting or successful?
    • using a few of the architectural terms #1-12 (slide 3 of the PowerPoint), support your choice
  • Study Axonometric Drawings slides
    • draft an axonometric of the simple box at 1/8β€³ or 1/4β€³ scale and using the dimensions on the slide
    • draft another axonometric using one of the simple shapes on the last slide
  • Architectural lettering demonstration
  • Individual “desk crits” for Project #2 – Section through a 2-Story House

To-Do After Class

  • Complete the drafted measured drawings for Project 2 β€” Section through a 2-Story House
    • One longitudinal section & two end elevations
    • Follow all instructions on the PowerPoint, slides 21-23
    • Refer to slide 24 as an example of good architectural construction drawing graphics
    • Submit completed Project 2 drawings on the Assignment Posts page, before midnight, Monday, November 16
  • Write into your sketchbook and provide a sketched illustrations or example for each of the new vocabulary terms (items 12-22) on slide 3 of the PowerPoint
  • Watch the β€œHow to Write Like an Architect” video & practice using the Lettering Worksheet
  • Complete the in-class assignments – parti sketches & two axonometric drawings – and submit on the Assignment Posts page
  • Extra Credit – axonometric of your Tiny House or the MIDTERM house