Class Info

  • Date: Tuesday, October 20, 2020
  • Meeting via Zoom: Link and passcode will be provided to all students via email

To-Do Before Class

Complete all To-Do items, Activities, and Assignments from the Class 1 – 6 Agendas and SUBMIT to the appropriate link on the Assignment Posts page. Use the checklist of assignments and the Gradebook to check for missing items.


  • Review architectural drawing types (plans, sections) and architectural drawing conventions related to completion of Project 1 – Tiny House project


  • Project 1 — Tiny House
  • Review architectural drawing types and conventions (Architectural Drawing Conventions)
    • elevation, plan, section
    • orthographic (elevations, plans & sections are orthographic drawings)
    • section perspectives
    • axonometric (how is it different from a perspective?)
    • presentation drawings
    • construction drawings
    • representation of doors, windows, kitchens & bathrooms in plan view
    • site plan
    • building section symbol
  • Competition! – how many of each type of drawing can you find in the Week 7-8 PowerPoint?
  • SUBMIT all in-class work at the appropriate link on the Assignment Posts page

To-Do After Class

  • Project 1 — Tiny House
    • Complete the freehand sketches (elevations, plan, section)
    • Complete the drafted measured drawings (elevations, plan, section)
    • Follow all instructions under “To Do After Class” in the Class 6 Agenda
  • Submit completed Project 1 sketches and drafted drawings on the Assignment Posts page, before midnight, Monday, October 26
  • Review for the MIDTERM as discussed in class
    • practice identifying elevations, plans, sections & perspectives as we did today in class with the PowerPoints
    • review your drawings and sketch projects, especially elevations, plans & sections
    • have drawing tools & paper ready at start of class
    • you will be drawing a small simple building or object for the in-class MIDTERM – elevations, plans & sections
  • If you want to work ahead, study Axonometric Drawings, practice with simple shapes, and then try one of your Tiny House