Class Info

  • Date: Tuesday, October 13, 2020
  • Meeting via Zoom: Link and passcode will be provided to all students via email

To-Do Before Class

Complete all To-Do items, Activities, and Assignments from the Class 1 – 5 Agendas and SUBMIT to the appropriate link on the Assignment Posts page. Use the checklist of assignments and the Gradebook to check for missing items.


  • Review status of assignments to date
  • Introduce Project 1 – plans, elevations, and section of a Tiny House


  • Review the list of assignments and check which assignments are marked as received in the OpenLab Gradebook
  • Accept the emailed invitation to the shared Google sheet
    • Enter your name and your plan for work to be completed today during class
    • We will work in groups to support team members’ work and progress
    • Share at least one example of your work with your small group members, provide feedback to each member — what is most successful, what could be improved
  • Review of the “Describe your Building” assignment: this can be the building you brought to share in Class 2, or another you choose, or your Tiny House. Write a few sentences using architectural themes, concepts, and vocabulary that we have studied. What is the human experience of the building and spaces? What is it about the building that creates those feelings and experiences?
    • There are good examples from your descriptions of Frank Lloyd Wright’s Falling Water — it conveys a sense of serenity, feelings of being both cozy and open, a sense of the power of the stream, an equilibrium between nature and the man-made, feelings both of security and freedom.
    • Try to go further, as some of you did, to think about why and how the building conveys these things — the materials help it blend into the environment, appearing like a cliff; use of the same materials inside and outside give a feeling of connection with nature; the concrete cantilevers give a strong sense of horizontality, also of strength and stability; the use of color helps it come together as a cohesive whole.
  • Begin Project 1 — Tiny House
    • Make freehand sketches of your chosen Tiny House — or you may use the small house show in the PowerPoint. If you have caught up with earlier assignments, work to complete two elevations. (If you want to work forward, also add a plan and a section.)
    • Estimate and add dimensions, similar to the dimensions on the small house in the PowerPoint.
  • SUBMIT all in-class work at the appropriate link on the Assignment Posts page

To-Do After Class

  • Project 1 — freehand sketches
    • Complete the freehand sketches of the two elevations of your Tiny House (or of the small house shown in the PowerPoint)
    • Add a plan and a section, with dimensions
  • Project 1 — drafted measured drawings
    • Lay out the two elevations on an 11 x 17 sheet
    • Use the new title block shown in the PowerPoint (page 38)
    • Draw to 1/4″ scale
    • Align drawings on the sheets as we did with the furniture drawings
    • If you want to work ahead, add the plan and section
  • Work on line quality in both the freehand sketches and the drafted measured drawings (review Top 6 Architecture Sketching Techniques)
  • Work on using line weights for clarity:
    • heavier lines for borders, outlines, ground lines, and where material is cut through in section (walls, floor, ceiling/roof)
    • medium and lighter lines for parts further away, details, textures, shadow
  • Submit Project 1 sketches and drafted drawings — all progress as of midnight, Monday, October 19 — to the Class 6 Homework assignments link on the Assignment Posts page