Class Info

  • Date: Tuesday, October 6, 2020
  • Meeting via Zoom: Link and passcode will be provided to all students via email

To-Do Before Class

Complete all To-Do items, Activities, and Assignments from the Class 1 – 4 Agendas and SUBMIT to the appropriate link on the Assignment Posts page. Use the checklist of assignments emailed just prior to class to check for missing items.


  • Apply architectural concepts, principles, and vocabulary
  • Introduce architectural section drawings


  • Demonstrate understanding of concepts, principles, and vocabulary terms through application to a building analysis — Frank Lloyd Wright’s Falling Water
    • open class discussion
    • write a few sentences about this building — how many ways does it express the themes of horizontality and integration with its natural setting? What do you like or dislike about the building and why?
  • Study the Week 4-5 PowerPoint slides to understand architectural section drawings. Practice by sketching:
    • the section through the pepper shown on the PowerPoint slide
    • a section through the Whitney Museum building
    • use proper line weights: heavy lines where material is cut through (wall of the pepper, and walls, floor and ceiling slabs of the building) and lighter lines for parts further away
  • Slides related to the above activities are included in the Week 4-5 PowerPoint
  • SUBMIT in-class writing and sketches at the link on the Assignment Posts page

To-Do After Class

  • Complete the section sketches begun in class
  • Practice by sketching sections and plans of a coffee mug, cooking pot, table, chair, or other simple objects at home (5 sketches)
  • Add a SECTION to your measured drawings of the desk or item of your choice
  • Write into your sketchbook the following vocabulary terms from class, with definitions in your own words (and/or an annotated sketch or image);
    • cantilever
    • eave
    • waffle slab
  • Search “tiny house” in Google images, choose the one that you find most interesting, and upload it to this “tiny house” folder
  • Submit all in-class work and Class 5 homework to the appropriate link on the Assignment Posts page