Class Info

  • Date: Tuesday, September 22, 2020
  • Meeting via Zoom: Link and passcode will be provided to all students via email

To-Do Before Class

Complete all To-Do items, Activities, and Assignments from the Class 1 – 3 Agendas and SUBMIT to the appropriate link on the Assignment Posts page


  • NO CLASSES on MONDAY, September 28
  • Monday classes meet on Tuesday, September 29
  • Our class WILL NOT MEET on Tuesday, September 29!
  • Our next assignments will be due midnight, Monday October 5


  • Apply architectural concepts, principles, and vocabulary
  • Practice sketching: 1-point and 2-point perspective, elevation, plan
  • Understand the use of architectural scale


  • Demonstrate understanding of concepts, principles, and vocabulary terms through discussion and application to a building analysis — Marcel Breuer’s Whitney Museum (aka Met Breuer)
  • In-class sketching assignments — continue to develop architectural sketching techniques, practice 1-point and 2-point perspective, elevations sketches, derivation of plan from photographs of Breuer’s Whitney Museum
  • Slides related to the above activities are included in the Week 4 PowerPoint (REVISED 09-27-20)
  • SUBMIT in-class sketches at the link on the Assignment Posts page

To-Do After Class

  • Complete the measured drawings of the furniture item — the desk or item of your choice — three views with border, title block, and graphic scale as shown in class and described in the Week 4 PowerPoint
  • Write into your sketchbook the six tips from the video “Top 6 Architectural Sketching Techniques” if you have not already done so. Now illustrate each tip with a quick sketch, for example:
    • several lines from very light to very heavy line weight
    • a simple cube or rectilinear mass drawn in one-, two-, and three-point perspective
    • etc. for tips #1 – #6
    • Practice!
  • SUBMIT in-class sketches and Class 4 homework to the appropriate link on the Assignment Posts page