Class Info

  • Date: Tuesday, December 1, 2020
  • Meeting via Zoom: Link and passcode will be provided to all students via email

To-Do Before Class

Complete all To-Do items, Activities, and Assignments from prior Class Agendas and SUBMIT to the appropriate link on the Assignment Posts page. Use the OpenLab gradebook to check for missing items (and let me know if there are any errors).


  • Project 3 – Urban Space
    • Student presentations
  • Project 4 – Contemplative Space
    • Introduction of project: Week 13-15 PowerPoint
    • Submit preliminary notes & images on the Assignment Posts page

To-Do After Class

  • Study carefully the Week 13-15 PowerPoint
  • Complete Part 1 and Part 2 of the assignment (all instructions on slides 1-5)
  • Submit work on the Assignment Posts page