Class Info

  • Date: Tuesday, November 24, 2020
  • Meeting via Zoom: Link and passcode will be provided to all students via email

To-Do Before Class

Complete all To-Do items, Activities, and Assignments from prior Class Agendas and SUBMIT to the appropriate link on the Assignment Posts page. Use the OpenLab gradebook to check for missing items (and let me know if there are any errors).


Career paths

  • Look at
  • Choose a few items that most interest you and do some quick research
    • “careers in ….”
    • “architectural firms that do ….”
    • “companies that provide …” Come back prepared to say a few words about what you have found, what surprised you, one question

Building Section – Self Assessment

Project 3 – URBAN SPACE

  • Review assignment description, which is linked from the Week 11 PowerPoint
  • Breakout rooms – discuss together the difference between description & analysis, and together fill out the Google sheet for your team:
  • Review research gathered to date, questions, work on sketches and research

To-Do After Class

  • Project 3 – Urban Space
    • Students who did not present today will present next week, December 1
    • FINAL submissions for everyone are due before class on December 1, uploaded to the Assignment Posts page
    • REMEMBER this is an analysis project – focus on observation & description, especially of the experience of being in and moving through the spaces (some history is helpful, but not the focus)
  • Project 4 – Contemplative Space
    • (coming soon … for those who want to work ahead)
    • Due Tuesday, December 15