Class Info

  • Date: Tuesday, November 3, 2020
  • Meeting via Zoom: Link and passcode will be provided to all students via email

To-Do Before Class

Complete all To-Do items, Activities, and Assignments from the Class 1 – 7 Agendas and SUBMIT to the appropriate link on the Assignment Posts page. Use the OpenLab gradebook to check for missing items (and let me know if there are any errors).


The MIDTERM projects were generally good! See comments in the OpenLab gradebook.

Mid-semester grades have been posted to the gradebook:
P = passing (submitted 75% to 100% of work)
BL = borderline (missing about 30% of work)
U = unsatisfactory (missing more than 30% of work)

A number of students received a ‘U’ for an overall mid-semester grade due to missing assignments and/or an incomplete Project #1 – Tiny House (drafted elevations, plan & section).

OPTION – you may submit plans for the midterm house instead of for your Tiny House.

I have seen much improvement! Keep up the good work, finish your assignments, and take pride in your accomplishments!!


  • Discussion:
    • National Architectural Accreditation Board (NAAB) visit to City Tech
    • tips for success on the path to becoming an architect – professional organizations, events, networking, connecting with professors & mentors (AIANY, Architectural League, ACSA, and more resources on the Architectural Technology Department website, check the “Links” tab on the Student Resources page
    • registration for Spring classes
    • college resources – a few of which are Academic Advising, College Catalog, College Calendar
  • Week 07+09 PowerPoint
  • New vocabulary: items 12-22 on slide 3 of the PowerPoint
  • Practice architectural analysis – The Ford Foundation
    • architectural stye terms mentioned – Brutalism, International Style
    • parti – the concept or organizing idea, as might expressed in a simple clear diagram
  • Close reading of building sections – Ford Foundation and Exeter Library
    • orthogonal section vs. section perspective
    • line weights
    • sources of light – skylights, clerestory windows
  • Practice drawing plans & elevations
    • study the two geometric objects – slide 20 in the PowerPoint
    • follow instructions on the slide, using two pages in your sketch book, one for each each object
    • SUBMIT at the appropriate link on the Assignment Posts page
  • Project 2 – Section through a 2-Story House
    • layout & begin section – demonstration by professor

To-Do After Class

  • Complete the drafted measured drawings (a longitudinal section + 2 end elevations) for Project 2 — Section through a 2-Story House
    • Follow all instructions on the PowerPoint, slides 21-23
    • Refer to slide 24 as an example of good architectural construction drawing graphics
    • Submit completed Project 2 (or progress drawings) on the Assignment Posts page, before midnight, Monday, November 9
  • [Due in TWO weeks] Write into your sketchbook and provide sketch illustrations or example for each of the new vocabulary terms (items 12-22) on slide 3 of the PowerPoint.
  • If you want to work ahead:
    • study Axonometric Drawings, practice with simple shapes, and then try one of your Tiny House or the MIDTERM house
    • watch the “How to Write Like an Architect” video & practice using the Lettering Worksheet