Inspiration/Research (Internship Class at ClickDaily)

Research is the first step when we start to have designs. Research is also an important aspect in a design. If we research enough information, that will help us a lot in designing whatever project. Indeed, research is not just the beginning of the design. Sometimes, we can go back to the research step while we are in the middle of the design. Research is all the time no matter when and where we are. Research takes time, but we have to research wisely. We have to know what exactly we have to research. If our research direction is wrong, we can waste a lot of time. Knowing how to research and knowing the right direction are the first step toward a successful design.

In school, we have always research before start our design. Often, people donā€™t even have to research because they already have an idea on what direction they are going for, so they donā€™t need the research. However, for those people that donā€™t have an idea, they have to research, so they can get some inspiration to have an idea to start with. I always do research before starting a new project. However, my research direction is not always right, so it takes me a lot of time. I often canā€™t have a good idea in the beginning or the middle of the project even though I already researched. I often get the best idea when itā€™s almost the end of the project. I realized I can not have a good idea immediately when I receive a new project for the first time. I often get stuck, and my mind is completely empty. I remember one of the professor told me that I have to research well-enough before starting a new project, but I can waste a lot of time. That means I have to start something while Iā€™m in the research process. In the middle of the project, if I have to research, I can go back at the same time, so I donā€™t have to waste all my time just on research and havenā€™t start anything. Itā€™s better to have something is better than to have nothing.

In my current internship, I learn a lot about research. I have to get the right research direction. I need to research well-enough information. I have to understand all the information on the project in order to have an idea to start with. My supervisor told me, ā€œDo some research on the background information.ā€ Actually, in the beginning, no matter how many times my supervisor taught me about research, concept, idea, or even design, I didnā€™t really get it right at the moment. I was trying to understand, but I couldnā€™t do it. Maybe, my research direction was wrong, so I couldnā€™t get the answer that he wanted. Maybe, I didnā€™t do well research, or I didnā€™t full understand, so I couldnā€™t have a good idea. However, I didnā€™t give up. I was still researching. Until now, I start to have a bit idea on research. Research is really an important factor toward a successful design. Research the right information can enhance the design. I start to understand more on research, and Iā€™m getting better design now. Research is very important, and itā€™s hard to research the right information. Donā€™t take it as easy as we think, but if we understand how research can help us a lot, we really do better designs.