10 thoughts on “Roman Matlala Essay 2”

  1. Thesis- People should still go out and protest but take extreme measures to ensure people’s safety.
    One supporting reason- Wearing masks and limiting groups to protest is one way to take safety measures.
    Counter claim- Can you be more clear on that?

  2. Thesis- People should still go out and protest but take extreme measures to ensure people’s safety.
    One supporting reason- Wearing masks and limiting groups to protest is one way to take safety measures.
    Counter claim- Can you be more clear on that?

  3. A) Thesis -people should be able to protest just take serious precaution to keep one another safe .

    B) 1 supporting reason – by limiting big groups and wearing mask as well using hand sanitizer.

    C) Counter Claim – how can we prove this will help ?

  4. Thesis:people should be allowed to protest,as long as they take proper safety Precautions and wear masks.

    Supporting reason: creating safety guidelines to follow while protesting,by wearing masks.

    Counter arguments: stating home can cause stress and anxiety. I think another argument could be how would we be able to know everyone will follow the rules

  5. 1. Thesis -people should be able to protest just take serious precaution to keep one another safe .
    2. One supporting reason- Wearing masks and limiting groups to protest is one way to take safety measures.
    3. Counter claim- Can you be more clear on that?

  6. 1)Thesis- it’s not safe to protest right now without precaution because of this whole COVID-19 epidemic.

    2)Supporting reason- not everyone is taking the necessary precautions needed to prevent spreading the virus.

    3) Counter argument – As people looted, the police would throw tear gas to separate the crowd and this resulted in people coughing which was really bad, This is why we should continue to practice safe and peaceful protesting for justice of George Floyd.

  7. Thesis: people should take safety precaution when protesting

    supporting reason: According to The Open Letter Advocating for an Anti-Racist Public Health “Staying home, social distancing and public masking are effective at minimizing the spread of COVID-19”. (from essay)

    counter claim: can you make it clear and give more evidence

  8. 1-people should go out and protest and speak their minds but they should also have safety measures to protect themselves and others.
    2- follow the rules given by the state and that’s to wear masks,6 foot distance,and have limits on group gatherings.
    3-with these large protest going on how is every person going to follow the rules that everyone should following

  9. Thesis: Protesters should still protect themselves from covid.
    Supporting Reason: A lot of people are ignoring the pandemic and not taking caution.
    counter claim:How exactly would this be beneficial?

  10. thesis: take precautionary measures before going to protests.
    supporting reason: people are not taking precautionary measures to stop the spreading of this virus.
    counter claim: it is not safe to protest in this pandemic when virus is spreading so fast.

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