7 thoughts on “Shalamar essay 2”

  1. A) Thesis -we should still be able to protest during Covid-19 because this is very important movement that shouldn’t be ignored.

    B) 1 support reason – We have been dealing with like this to long, we can not wait any longer. Black people been a target for racism for years. Black people suffer from dramatic health disparities in life expectancy.

    C) Counter Argument – yes you say we should still protest during this pandemic but what should be done to proceed in better matter for our people of color ?

  2. Thesis- Nothing should stop us from getting a very important message across.
    One supporting reason- Black people seem to be affected more than white people in society.
    Counter claim- some say the protesting is causing more chaos such as riots.

  3. 1) Thesis – we should still protest during covid-19
    2) Supporting reasons – ” Black people have just gone through something horrible, with the death of George Floyd. It just so happened to be in the middle of a pandemic. We can’t wait any longer to get our message , no matter what”
    3) Counter argument -Covid-19 is very serious and everyone should take proper protection if they want to go out and protest.

  4. Thesis: Protest should still continue during the pandemic

    Supporting reason: “Black people have just gone through something horrible,with the death of George Floyd. It just so happened to be in the middle of a pandemic. We can’t wait any longer to get our message across.we have been dealing with stuff like this for way to long.”

    counter argument: “Some people might say that the protests are not making a difference.They might say that we just want to riot,and that’s why we choose to do this. People say that protesters are not taking proper precautions.The people breaking the rules are not the ones who want justice.”

  5. Thesis: Protesting should continue
    Supporting reason: Black people are more affected than whites.
    Counter Claim: The virus is a very serious matter and every one should take it with caution.

  6. 1-people should protest and continue to.
    2-black people are more effect than white people and im sure George Floyd isn’t the only person to die like this,it most likely just didn’t go public
    3-riots is the bad side of protesting and it makes the movement look bad and that area,burning down stuff and destroying proprieties just affects that areas economy.

  7. Thesis: protest should be going on this the time where we can bring change and actually do something, it is so important.

    Supporting reason:black people have been going through a lot racial experiences, we clearly saw by George Floyd’s murdered.

    Counter argument: some people are saying protest does not gonna bring any change.

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