#6, Due Wed, 7/29, 7p
Good evening y’all! Thanks for hanging in. I can’t believe we’re done on Thursday (when the final exam will be given—more info on that on Wednesday). Also remember that your final portfolio (your shared Google Folder containing *all* of your coursework) will be due Thursday as well.
OK, here’s what I want you to tend to for *Wednesday.*
- Readings & Article Summaries. Finish reading the final two reading assignments:
Dan Diamond, “Suddenly, Public Health Officials Say Social Justice Matters More Than Social Distance”
10. Chelsea Janes. “Protests probably didn’t lead to coronavirus spikes, but it’s hard to know for sure” (activated CUNY library card needed to access)
—Remember: due in your final portfolio (your shared Google Drive portfolio) on Thursday will be 5 article summaries. Feel free to summarize either of these articles if you still need to get to 5.
2. Essay 2 Feedback. Please read and comment on 5 of your classmates’ Essay 2s. For each response you give, please provide the following 3 things (I repeat: each of your 5 responses should contain these 3 things):
A–What you think the writer’s thesis is (in your own words). If you can’t identify the thesis, ask the writer to make their thesis clearer.
B–One supporting reason or story the writer gives for believing their thesis to be right. Again, use your own words to describe this. If you can’t identify a supporting reason or story, tell the writer to make this part of their essay clearer.
C—A counter-argument that the writer introduces and then argues AGAINST. Again, describe the counter-argument in your own words. Does the counter-argument go AGAINST the writer’s thesis? If it doesn’t, let the writer know that they should come up with a counter-argument that goes AGAINST their thesis (and then they need to find a way of refuting the counter-argumnet).
3. Revise essays + 2 blog assignment responses (comments). Using the feedback you got from me and from classmates, revise your Essay 1, your Essay 2, and 3 of your blog assignments. Save all drafts, including your final draft, in your Google Drive portfolio folder that you shared with me.
Paulina Vega
SUMMARY: Dan Diamond, “Suddenly, Public Health Officials Say Social Justice Matters More Than Social Distance”
In the article “Suddenly, Public Health Officials Say Social Justice Matters More Than Social Distance” Dan Diamond writes about how people have gone out to protest the black live matter movement. They mention that by going out to protest it increases the risk of getting covid and passing it to others. But there was evidence that the virus doesn’t spread easily outdoors as long as people wear their mask and keep a distance. At the same time it mentions that people should put their health first rather than politics. People should prioritize their health first.
SUMMARY: Chelsea Janes. “Protests probably didn’t lead to coronavirus spikes, but it’s hard to know for sure”
In the article “Protests probably didn’t lead to coronavirus spikes, but it’s hard to know for sure” Chelsea Janes writes about how people protesting isn’t the reason for covid-19 cases going up. The article states “ According to Minneapolis department of health Spokesman Doug Schultz, more than 15,000 people were tested at centers the cities set up in communities affected by the protest, and 1.7% of tests came back positive below the statewide average of about 3.6%” The low infection rates were because of people wearing masks and keeping a distance and avoiding big crowds. There is no evidence of cases rising because of the protest. It’s not simple to conduct contact tracing from the streets.
Shalamar Mercharles
In the article “Protests probably didn’t lead to coronavirus spikes, but it’s hard to know for sure” by Chelsea Janes.the author talks about COVID and how we can’t be sure the protesting was the reason for the spike.”According to Minneapolis Department of Health spokesman Doug Schultz, more than 15,000 people were tested at centers the city set up in communities affected by the protests, and 1.7 percent of tests came back positive – below the statewide average of about 3.6 percent.”when people would get tested after being apart of protest there was no high rate recorded.Most people were not affected and didn’t get sick. “Health systems in the area that tested thousands of people who attended the demonstrations returned positivity rates of less than 1 percent.” Protesting is for a good cause,and right now it dosent seem to have to many problems.
Jada Bennett
Monroe Street
ENG92 Writing
29 July 2020
In the article “Suddenly, Public Health Officials Say Social Justice Matters More Than Social Distance “ by Dan Diamond, he writes about how during the COVID -19 pandemic people went out to protest . He explains how this was risking people’s health and the cases of people having covid. However, this wouldn’t be the case if people wear their mask and social distance as they’re supposed to. It’s important that people need to be more considerate of their health before anything.