1. Due Fri 7/17, 7p

Due Friday 7p.

  1. Read the following two articles (Reading Assignments 1 and 2):
    Mariame Kaba, “Yes, We Mean Literally Abolish the Police…”
    Tracey Meares’ “Policing: A Public Good Gone Bad” ? | Does Kaba (#1) accurately represent Meares’ views?
  2. Post a response below as a comment containing two parts. In Part A, I want you to tell me in your own words what you think the thesis of each article (#1, by Mariame Kaba and #2, by Tracey Meares) is. A thesis is a debate-able statement or opinion that an author tries to convince the reader to believe in.  What is Kaba trying to get us to believe in?  What is Meares trying to make us think?  Your responses in part A should answer these questions as best you can.
  3. In Part B of your work, I want you to write a 100-150 word summary for both articles. Place your summaries in your comment below (in the part labeled “B”); also save them in your Google Drive portfolio. Each summary should include the following:

–BEFORE YOUR SUMMARY: a list of 5 vocabulary words from the article (of your choosing); for each word, create your own sentence showing its meaning // THEN… Your summary:
a sentence introducing the author and title of the article: In “[Title of Article],” [Author Name] writes about…[topic of article]
discussion of at least 2 different perspectives on the main topic of the article—the author’s perspective as well as an opposing or different viewpoint as well (one that the author mentions or which is implied by the content of the article)
1 direct quotation with adequate context and introduction: Toward the end of her article, Turkle most clearly conveys her main point, that “____sentence-long quotation here____.”
discussion of important or confusing ideas/words/phrases in this quotation: The most important thing to notice in this passage is…. Something I find interesting/odd/confusing about this passage is….

31 thoughts on “1. Due Fri 7/17, 7p”

  1. Shalamar Mercharles

    Part A:

    #1 The police are getting out of hand .we need a way to reform then and we can do that by cutting them in half.Their budgets and their teams.

    #2 The police should be abolished. There’s no real reason why we need them.All they do is create crime. Rather than solve it .

    Epidemic: The corona virus has turned into an epidemic.

    Initiatives: “ Have some Initiatives and get your work done.

    Prefigured: The girl Prefigured what she would need to get done later.

    Oppression : Right now black people are being operated all over the world.

    legitimacy: I ordered shoes online once they arrived I called my friend over to verify the legitimacy.

    Part B;

    in “ yes,we mean literally abolish the police “,Mariame Kaba writes about how the police are out of control and we need to cut their benefits and size. Kaba the author of this article feels that the police are getting out of hand and needs to be reformed. Police have been suppressing and wrongly attacking black people. The solution is to cut half of their budget.Although the author feels this way some people might now agree and feel differently. some people suggested hiring more black cops.Or just opening more civilian community boards.During this article Kaba has a lot of evidence to support her idea “Enough. We can’t reform the police. The only way to diminish police violence is to reduce contact between the public and the police.” The most confusing thing about this passage is what will be in the place of the police.

    in “ policing a public good gone wrong “by Tracey Meares.The author writes about police brutality and the reason why we should abolish or get rid of the police.The author feels like we should get rid of the police. The police are violent and don’t really have a reason for what they do. The author says that the public would be safer. People who disagree with this choice would say what is the public going to do without police to protect them.Even the little crimes who will handle those. Tracey states”Policing must reorient itself around a new set of goals; we must abandon the project of “proactive policing.”.The most important thing to take away is the idea. That cops need to be removed and that we will find a better way ,can we really?

    1. Shalamar,

      Nice to read your work. I think you raise an excellent question at the end of your summary of Kaba’s article about “what to do” if there were no longer any police. Here are a few suggestions for revising this:

      –Go into more detail about Kaba’s reasons for thinking that the police should be abolished in the United States. Just as important as a writer’s thesis are her reasons for believing it to be right. Kaba has a lot to say about the history of policing in the US and the history of police reform in the US. Be sure you discuss these details in your summary. Also, please discuss the “opposing side” that Kaba is arguing against (those who would disagree with her—what might they say?).

      –Re-read Meares’ article (especially the end—I know it’s long!) and revise your description of her thesis. Her article is long and at times confusing but if you read her final paragraph carefully, you will see that she is NOT arguing for abolishing (getting rid of) the police. Tell me what she IS saying in her thesis—and why.

      –Once the above is done, go back and tell me whether you think Kaba fairly represents Meares’ view in her article when she writes: “But even a member of the task force, Tracey Meares, noted in 2017, ‘policing as we know it must be abolished before it can be transformed.’ ” Does this accurately capture the totality of Meares’ view?

      –Between now and next Wed, please do the “Quoting Using Signal Verbs” exercise under the “Student Work” menu above.

  2. Alfaj Syif

    Abolish: Slavery was abolished many years ago, but Black People are still suffering in the present day.
    Advocate: We should never stop advocating for better treatment towards minority groups.
    Repercussion: There must be harsher repercussions for Police officers that take innocent lives.
    Fundamental: Police Officers must follow the proper fundamentals before given the badge.
    Burden: There is a heavy burden that Black Americans must carry for being unjustly treated for many years.

    Part A:
    Kaba’s Thesis: Police Brutality has gone on for centuries in the United States, and it’s about time to completely obliterate their presence in our country instead of creating the false hope that they’ll reform after taking more innocent Black Lives.
    Meares’ Thesis: Rather than completely abolishing Police in the United States, they should reform the image of the Police, and prioritize on strengthening their bond with minorities and preserving their image to the general public.

    Part B:
    In “Yes, We Mean Literally Abolish the Police…,” I believe that Mariame Kaba is directly calling out the Police force in the United States of America, and is strongly pushing to abolish their current presence in our country. Kaba goes in depth on how as ordinary citizens, we believe that police officers are putting their lives at risk and dedicating their everyday life to serve and protect the people. However, Kaba states, “They spend most of their time responding to noise complaints, issuing parking and traffic citations, and dealing with other noncriminal issues.” In addition, Kaba goes on about how police are meant to keep us safe, but in reality, they’re the ones taking the majority of innocent Black lives in America. This important because it is very true in the present day, and it’s sad that the same issue is still going on unaddressed by the higher ups.
    In “Policing: A Public Good Gone Bad,” Tracey Meares clearly agrees with Kaba’s argument, but with very small differences. Meares focuses on a progressive approach and aims to preserve the image of Police in America. For instance, Meares states, “Taking the agency-community relationship seriously implies a host of changes that are about more than having police meet legal minimums.” Meares promotes the presence of Police in America, but wants them to prioritize the actual things that matter. This is important because having more funding for weapons and vehicles doesn’t make the police any better; it’s about being more connected with the community and forming mutual trust between officers and civilians. Black children should not have to be afraid of police officers; no one should. Police authority must be abolished, but be reformed from the ground up to be realistically effective.

    1. Stephanie Cabrera

      1. Mariame Kaba in the article (#1)”Yes, We mean LITERALLY Abolish the Police,” Kaba accurately represents Meares view because they both refer on abolishing the police for many reasons in other words for equality for colored citizens and to stop the police brutality and in believing rebuilding a new police department with new demands where it leads to better society and safer community against police or any harms as well regain trust with the police.

      Part A:
      The thesis of article #1 Mariame Kaba (Yes, We mean LITERALLY Abolish the Police”) informs the history and difficult ongoing situation with police brutality with colored skin and pointing out of the acts of many police mistreating citizens without fight how police can harm colored citizens and cause unnecessary threats, violence even death instead of taking the right action. Kaba also believes in pointing out that abolishing the police and with new demands, and instead of reforming the police, it will make a difference in public society. She also pointed out on instead of reforming police how the difference it’ll make to use the billions of dollars to spend on housing, food and education for all and speaking for many on how it can change society and all ready to embrace a different vision of safety and justice for all.
      The thesis in the article #2 Tracey Meares (Policing: A public Good Gone Bad) is giving her input on the reason why she agrees with Kaba abolishing policing needs to happen before any can be transferred for the better as well comparing how the police treat white rich and the colored and the poor. She also pointed across how individual citizens are judged and mistreated by their identification. For example, she mentions a Criminologist Ben Bradford that had many interviews and examined how police’s encounters modify people’s views. In other words, racial profiling people of color don’t feel safe.

      Epidemic: the virus corona has become a worldwide epidemic.
      Unconstitutionally: It is unconstitutional for a law to violate the constitution.
      Advocacy: I support her advocacy of BLM MOVEMENT.
      Indoctrination: In some society’s children are indoctrinated in religious beliefs and values.
      Abolitionists: My professor is an abolitionist who travels throughout the world, speaking out against human rights violations.

      Part B :
      In Article “Yes, we mean Literally Abolish The police “by Mariame Kaba, she writes about how she believes they should be abolished because police are not being fair to citizens of color. She proves in her statement, “Enough. We can’t reform the police. The only way to diminish police violence is to reduce contact between the public and the police. As she also mentions, “a safe world is not one in which police keep black and other marginalized people in check through threats of arrest, incarnation, violence, and death. Also, this article is about points across a harsh situation but in need of justice for a better free community and society.
      In the article “Policing: A public Good Gone Bad” by Tracy Meares writes about her agreement towards Mariame Kaba’s statement regarding abolishing policing she mentioning her input of how it can make of difference on eliminating their current demands into new ones where police are doing their job as protecting us but also treat us with respect and treated equally not that whites are treated better, police will not get away with violence caused to citizens of color. As she also talks about policing must reorient itself around a new set of goals.

      Stephanie Cabrera

      Assignment #1

      Friday July.17, 2020

      Answers to Mariame Kaba and Tracey Meares Article

      Mariame Kaba in the article (#1)”Yes, We mean LITERALLY Abolish the Police,” Kaba accurately represents Meares view because they both refer on abolishing the police for many reasons in other words for equality for colored citizens and to stop the police brutality and in believing rebuilding a new police department with new demands where it leads to better society and safer community against police or any harms as well regain trust with the police.

      Part A:

      The thesis of article #1 Mariame Kaba (Yes, We mean LITERALLY Abolish the Police”) informs the history and difficult ongoing situation with police brutality with colored skin and pointing out of the acts of many police mistreating citizens without fight how police can harm colored citizens and cause unnecessary threats, violence even death instead of taking the right action. Kaba also believes in pointing out that abolishing the police and with new demands, and instead of reforming the police, it will make a difference in public society. She also pointed out on instead of reforming police how the difference it’ll make to use the billions of dollars to spend on housing, food and education for all and speaking for many on how it can change society and all ready to embrace a different vision of safety and justice for all.

      The thesis in the article #2 Tracey Meares (Policing: A public Good Gone Bad) is giving her input on the reason why she agrees with Kaba abolishing policing needs to happen before any can be transferred for the better as well comparing how the police treat white rich and the colored and the poor. She also pointed across how individual citizens are judged and mistreated by their identification. For example, she mentions a Criminologist Ben Bradford that had many interviews and examined how police’s encounters modify people’s views. In other words, racial profiling people of color don’t feel safe.


      Epidemic: the virus corona has become a worldwide epidemic.

      Unconstitutionally: It is unconstitutional for a law to violate the constitution.

      Advocacy: I support her advocacy of BLM MOVEMENT.

      Indoctrination: In some society’s children are indoctrinated in religious beliefs and values.

      Abolitionists: My professor is an abolitionist who travels throughout the world, speaking out against human rights violations.

      Part B :

      In Article “Yes, we mean Literally Abolish The police “by Mariame Kaba, she writes about how she believes they should be abolished because police are not being fair to citizens of color. She proves in her statement, “Enough. We can’t reform the police. The only way to diminish police violence is to reduce contact between the public and the police. As she also mentions, “a safe world is not one in which police keep black and other marginalized people in check through threats of arrest, incarnation, violence, and death. Also, this article is about points across a harsh situation but in need of justice for a better free community and society.

      In the article “Policing: A public Good Gone Bad” by Tracy Meares writes about her agreement towards Mariame Kaba’s statement regarding abolishing policing she mentioning her input of how it can make of difference on eliminating their current demands into new ones where police are doing their job as protecting us but also treat us with respect and treated equally not that whites are treated better, police will not get away with violence caused to citizens of color. As she also talks about policing must reorient itself around a new set of goals.

      1. Steph,
        Good work here–I’m glad to read it.
        These sentences are clear and strong—careful with “epidemic” though… Is Covid-19 an “epidemic” or a “pandemic”? What’s the difference?

        Some further suggestions for revising this:
        –I think you’ve effectively capture *most* of what Kaba is arguing; however, I’d like you to bring more of her evidence for supporting her thesis that the police should be abolished into your summary. She goes through many different moments in the history of US policing and US police reform and uses this history as evidence to support her thesis; it’s important to include this evidence in your summary because it’s part of what strengthens Kaba’s thesis (and makes her article more interesting).

        –I hear you on Meares’ advocating for police treating all citizens with more respect, but I want you to re-read her article (especially the end—I know it’s long!) and revise your description of her thesis. Her article is long and at times confusing but if you read her final paragraph carefully, you will see that she is NOT arguing for abolishing (getting rid of) the police. Tell me what she IS saying in her thesis—and why.

        –Once the above is done, go back and tell me whether you think Kaba fairly represents Meares’ view in her article when she writes: “But even a member of the task force, Tracey Meares, noted in 2017, ‘policing as we know it must be abolished before it can be transformed.’ ” Does this accurately capture the totality of Meares’ view?

    2. Alfajj, great reading your work.
      You really nailed the two theses of these two writers. In your revised version of this response, can you speak to my question about whether you think Kaba fairly represents Meares’ view in her article when she writes: “But even a member of the task force, Tracey Meares, noted in 2017, ‘policing as we know it must be abolished before it can be transformed'”? Does this accurately capture the totality of Meares’ view?

      As for your summaries, can you provide a quotation as evidence for your claim that Kaba “goes on about how police are meant to keep us safe, but in reality, they’re the ones taking the majority of innocent Black lives in America” ? I’m not sure she says this, but show me where you think she is—I’m open to changing my mind.

      Also, in your summary of Kaba, please consider the history of policing and police reform that she uses as support for her thesis that policing should NOT be reformed but rather abolished. It’s important to discuss the writer’s reasons for believing their thesis is right.

      Wonderful work with Meares’ article!

  3. Claudio Espinoza

    Part A:

    #1 The police are getting crazy, we need a way to reform them and we could do that by cutting their teams and budget in half.

    #2 The police should literally be abolished. We don’t need them, they create more crime then solving it.

    Epidemic: Covid-19 has turned into a epidemic

    Aspects: There are many different aspects of this community that I enjoy.

    Advocate:You can chat with an advocate online through the website.

    Assume:You’re too smart to assume anything.

    Violence: I Don’t Do Violence.

    Part B:

    #1) In the article “Yes, We Mean Literally Abolish The Police” by Mariame Kaba, Kaba writes about how the police are crazy and getting out of hand and need to be reformed, and we need to cut their teams and budget in half. For Example in the article it states “Cut the numbers of police in half and cut their budget in half. Fewer police officers equals fewer opportunities for them to brutalize and kill people.”Also the police have been wrongly attacking black people, for example george floyd. Kada the author has a lot of evidence to support her idea of why we should abolish the police.

    #2) In the article “Policing: A Public Good Gone Bad” by Tracey Meares, Meares writes about why we should get rid of the police and police brutality. Meares the author feels that we should get rid of the police. The police are violent instead of solving crime they cause it. For Example George Floyd, the cops could have taken that situation differently but they didn’t and they ended up killing George Floyd and because of that there were huge protests around the world, and some of those protests were CRAZY!!!!.That’s why we think police should get removed what do you think?

    1. Claudio,
      A pleasure reading your work. Nice sentences… Wait though, is Covid-19 an “epidemic” or a “pandemic”? What’s the difference?

      Some ideas for revising your response:

      –Reconsider your discussion of Kaba’s thesis. Although you’ve picked up on how she wavers back and forth on advocating for police reform, her fundamental thesis is AGAINST police reform. Can you discuss this more explicitly in your summary—as well as the history of policing and police reform in the US that she uses as evidence for supporting her argument AGAINST reform. Can you also be clear about what she is arguing FOR?

      –Re-read Meares’ article (especially the end—I know it’s long!) and revise your description of her thesis. Her article is long and at times confusing but if you read her final paragraph carefully, you will see that she is NOT arguing for abolishing (getting rid of) the police. Tell me what she IS saying in her thesis—and why.

      –Once the above is done, go back and tell me whether you think Kaba fairly represents Meares’ view in her article when she writes: “But even a member of the task force, Tracey Meares, noted in 2017, ‘policing as we know it must be abolished before it can be transformed.’ ” Does this accurately capture the totality of Meares’ view?

      –Between now and next Wed, please do the “Quoting Using Signal Verbs” exercise under the “Student Work” menu above.

  4. Lina Idris
    PART A:
    1) According the article “Yes. We Mean Literally Abolish the Police” by Mariame Kaba, she is trying to convince her audience that the police must be removed or at least cut in half because she believes that the police cannot be reformed.
    2) According to the article “Police: A public Good Gone Bad” by Tracey Meares, she is trying to convey to her readers that police have failed their communities and that they must be reformed. She also believes that police must learn to treat the people they claim to protect with care and respect.
    Part B:
    1) Vocabulary:
    a) Obsolete – Type writers became obsolete when computers were invented
    b) Undergirding – James supported his thesis with undergirding research.
    c) Bludgeoning – The bully bludgeoned his classmate with a bat.
    d) Professionalism – Stacey exhibits great professionalism at her job.
    e) Counterinsurgent – Counterinsurgent tactics prevent peace from being established in that area.

    2) Summary of the article “Yes. We Mean Literally Abolish the Police” by Mariame Kaba
    In “Yes. We Mean Literally Abolish the Police” Mariame Kaba writes about abolishing the police because all attempts to try and reform the police has failed. Kaba also mentions that we are taught to believe that the police “catch the bad guys” when in fact this is not true. She mentions that most police officers give car tickets and respond to noise complaints. Many people believe that they would not feel safe if the police were completely abolished, and so Kaba mentions that the number of police officers should be cut in half. Then the large amount of money that has been going to the police can be used for education, housing, healthcare, and jobs, which she believes will lower the need for police officers. As for crimes in society, she believes mental-health checks and restorative-justice models will help. Kaba most clearly conveys the main point that those who want to abolish the police “have a vision of a different society, built on cooperation instead of individualism, on mutual aid instead of self-preservation.” In other words, Kaba believes that working together as a society and focusing on helping one another will abolish the need for police. In my opinion, I do believe that we all need to work and help to maintain peace and for a better quality of life, however, I do believe we need to educate police officers more on how to treat people. I also believe we do need police because for example many serial killers kill for no reason and that is because they have very deep psychological problems that cannot be solved, and if they are let out into society they will continue to kill, so the best thing to do is put them away for a long time.
    3) Summary of the article “Police: A public Good Gone Bad” by Tracey Meares
    In Police: A public Good Gone Bad” Tracey Meares mentions two points. One point regarding the abolishment of police and another regarding reform. She mentions that individuals that want to abolish the police believe there are much better alternatives to fight crime than policing. Meares mentions Kaba’s view on police abolishment, which includes dismantling prisons and surveillance and working together as a community. Mears also mentions that police have failed their communities and that they are a public good gone bad. Police are supposed to provide public safety, however, their actions towards the poor and people of color does not show that. Studies conducted by Kristina Murphy and Jonathan Jackson show that “fair treatment by police increase’s a person’s identification with national identity, while poor treatment undermines it.” People care more about how they are treated by the police than the police doing what they can to protect them. Meares also mentions that the police should not justify their cruel actions with the pursuit of reducing crime. Meares most clearly conveys the main point that “we need to create a kind of policing that we all can enjoy.” I agree with Meares that the police need to change in the way they treat people because everyone is equal on this earth and we should not treat others in ways we would not like it for ourselves. Police need to change to change because many people look up policing as a way to understand their position in society.

    1. Lina, this is truly fabulous work you’ve done summarizing Kaba’s article. You’ve effectively captured the main thrust of her thesis and its connection to the history of police reform in the US; that said, can I get you to go into a *little* more detail on the particulars of that history which she cites? It’s interesting and will add more flavor to your own summary to discuss some of the examples she cites of failed efforts to transform how policing is conducted in America.

      Likewise, your work on Meares’ text is very compelling. Her text is long and complicated and yet you’ve managed to capture most of it here. Can we be a bit more clear on what her main thesis is, though? You’re right to point out that she goes back and forth between two points: abolishment and reform of the police. But, at least to my reading, she lands more firmly in one of these lines of argument than the other. Take another look at the final paragraphs of her text and, when you revise your summary, take these points into account when summarizing her overall thesis.

      –Once the above is done, go back and tell me whether you think Kaba fairly represents Meares’ view in her article when she writes: “But even a member of the task force, Tracey Meares, noted in 2017, ‘policing as we know it must be abolished before it can be transformed.’ ” Does this accurately capture the totality of Meares’ view?

  5. Does Kaba (#1) accurately represent Meares’ views?
    Kaba does not accurately represent Meares’ views because Kaba mostly talks about how there is no opportunity for the police to be reformed, and the best way to eliminate police brutality is by reducing the interactions between the civilians and the officers. On the other hand Meares’ views are abolishing the police first before it can be reformed. As Meares (2017) states “find a new symbolic language for thinking about its role in society” and believes it is the first step to redeeming this public good.

    In Part A, I want you to tell me in your own words what you think the thesis of each article (#1, by Mariame Kaba and #2, by Tracey Meares)
    Kaba believes that in order to eradicate police brutality the solution involves self containment and isolation among the civilians and police.
    Meare believes that there needs to be steps in order to plan for reform in police brutality .

    A list of 5 vocabulary words from the article (of your choosing); for each word, create your own sentence showing its meaning
    “Yes, We Mean Literally Abolish the Police”
    Prosecute: There was a prosecution between two people wanting full custody for their child.
    Misconduct: Officers should get punished for their misconduct behavior towards the public.
    Liberal: People should feel liberal as they walk out without feeling threatened by the officers.
    Diminish: We need to diminish bad behavior from officers.
    Emerge: My sister’s secret will soon emerge.

    In Part B of your work, I want you to write a 100-150 word summary for both articles.
    Summary #1: In the article “Yes, We Mean Literally Abolish The Police” Mariame Kaba writes about there being no possible way to change the workforce of the officers. She believes that interacting with them will cause more problems and that the best way to avoid problems with them is to keep a distance and keep self containment. While officers do make some awful choices at times the article states “The vast majority of police officers make one felony arrest a year. If they make two, they’re cop of the month”. Toward the end of her article, Mariame Kaba most clearly conveys her main point, that “Efforts to solve police violence through liberal reforms like these have failed for nearly a century”

    Summary #2: In “Policing: A Public Good Gone Bad” Tracey L. Meares writes about having the police work force abolished and then reformed. She believes this is the first step to seeing change in police violence. Tracey L. Meares states “We need to create a kind of policing that we can all enjoy”. Everyone needs to feel equally safe and protected. They all need to feel safe when walking out the doors of their house. Toward the end of her article, Tracey L. Meares most clearly conveys her main point, that “ Policing as we know it must be abolished before it can be transformed”

    1. Paulina,
      Great to read you–I think you’re totally right that Kaba misrepresents Meares’ view. However, I’m not sure I’m of the same mind about the differences between their perspectives that you’ve observed here.
      Might I suggest the following considerations, then, for your revisions?

      –Go into more detail about Kaba’s reasons for thinking that the police should be abolished in the United States. Just as important as a writer’s thesis are her reasons for believing it to be right. Kaba has a lot to say about the history of policing in the US and the history of police reform in the US. Be sure you discuss these details in your summary. Also, please discuss the “opposing side” that Kaba is arguing against (those who would disagree with her—what might they say?).

      –Re-read Meares’ article (especially the end—I know it’s long!) and revise your description of her thesis. Her article is long and at times confusing but if you read her final paragraph carefully, you will see that she is NOT arguing for abolishing (getting rid of) the police. Tell me what she IS saying in her thesis—and why.

      –Once the above is done, go back and tell me whether you think Kaba fairly represents Meares’ view in her article when she writes: “But even a member of the task force, Tracey Meares, noted in 2017, ‘policing as we know it must be abolished before it can be transformed.’ ” Does this accurately capture the totality of Meares’ view?

      –Between now and next Wed, please do the “Quoting Using Signal Verbs” exercise under the “Student Work” menu above.

  6. Maria Fuentes
    July 17,2020

    Part A: #1: The article,”Yes, We Mean Literally Abolish the Police…” by Mariame Kaba basically wants others to know how the problem with the police is not getting any better. They can’t reform the police and they are looking for solutions to stop the problem.

    #2: The article, “Policing: A Public Good Gone Bad” by Tracey Meares wants readers to know about abolishing the police.

    Vocabulary words
    Abolish- Many people abolished slavery during the civil war.
    Methods- There are different methods when annotating an article.
    Transformed- The building was being transformed into something more creative.
    Profitable- That was a profitable business.
    Crucial- Different types of vitamins are crucial for your health.
    Part B: The article,”Yes, We Mean Literally Abolish the Police…” by Mariame Kaba writes about how democrats want to make things easier to identify and prosecute police misconduct. Which means that they want to stop police violence. All of this police violence created protests that got outta hand. They don’t want other policemen to press their knees onto a black man’s neck until he dies. People feel like they should give strong rules to these cops. No one deserves to die the way that man died which he didn’t do anything wrong. Kaba stated how “Enough. We can’t reform the police. The only way to diminish police violence is to reduce contact between the public and the police.” Everyone wants this to end.
    The article, “Policing: A Public Good Gone Bad” by Tracey Meares writes about police violence and how they want to solve the epidemic of police violence against black americans. The homicide rate was the most deadly in the United States. As stated in the text, “Yet residents of Chicago’s most challenged neighborhoods still find it difficult to swallow the notion that they must endure proactive policing tactics in order to be “safe.” This shows how they want to be safe.

    1. Maria, great to read your work! I’m so glad you made a sentence using the word “transformed”—it’s an incredibly important word, especially for understanding Meares’ thesis about what should be done to the police force in America.
      Here’s my suggestions for revising and adding to your response:

      –In your discussion of Kaba’s thesis, think more BIG PICTURE at the beginning: what does SHE think should happen to the police force in the US? Also, please discuss the “opposing side” that Kaba is arguing against (those who would disagree with her—what might they say?).

      –Re-read Meares’ article (especially the end—I know it’s long!) and revise your description of her thesis. Again, think BIG PICTURE at first. What’s her overall view of what’s to be done about the US police? Her article is long and at times confusing but if you read her final paragraph carefully, you will see that she is NOT arguing for abolishing (getting rid of) the police. Tell me what she IS saying in her thesis—and why she believes this (her reasons).

      –Once the above is done, go back and tell me whether you think Kaba fairly represents Meares’ view in her article when she writes: “But even a member of the task force, Tracey Meares, noted in 2017, ‘policing as we know it must be abolished before it can be transformed.’ ” Does this accurately capture the totality of Meares’ view?

      –Between now and next Wed, please do the “Quoting Using Signal Verbs” exercise under the “Student Work” menu above.

  7. Kenyah Logan
    Assignment #1

    Part A
    Mariame Kaba, In her article she is trying to focus on police power. She noticed that the police department is getting paid $300 billion to stop police violence. She feels like that money should go towards healthcare, school, housing and so on. She feels like that money can help a lot of people. She is trying to make us believe that it could stop all the crime and violence from police and we wouldn’t need them any more. Tracey meaves, In her article she thinks that we should transform the police. She noticed that some police treat people differently by the race or gender which shouldnt be the case. She feels like people shouldn’t give up on policing but rather change it. But if they can’t change their way that will serve everyone equally then it should be abolished.
    Part B
    In both articles “yes we mean literally abolish the police ” by mariame kaba and “policing: a public good gone bad” by tracey meares writes about different police views. While Kaba is over the police and the way they treat people, Tracey feels like they can be changed for the better. Kaba feels like the police have way too much power so they feel like they can do anything and have people to back them up. Tracey feels kinda the same about how policies treat different people differently but she feels like they can change and treat people equally. Towards the end of tracey articles it states” If police can’t find a way to change in ways that will better serve the people than yes, their footprint should be reduced”. The most important thing I noticed in these articles was that Kaba felt like there was no hope for polices action and it will never change. Tracey has hope but if she sees no change to the police should be abolished.

    1. Kenya,
      Nice to read you–I think you accurately capture a lot of the points being made by Kaba as well as the differences between her view and Kaba’s.

      A few suggestions for revising this:
      –Include vocab words from each article and your own sentences using them, please.
      –Before comparing the two articles, be sure you’ve written a full paragraph summarizing each article. This will allow you to fully unpack the details of each text which you can then use to enrich your comparisons.

      –In your discussion of Kaba’s thesis, think more BIG PICTURE at the beginning: what does SHE think should happen to the police force in the US? Also, please discuss the “opposing side” that Kaba is arguing against (those who would disagree with her—what might they say?).

      –Re-read Meares’ article (especially the end—I know it’s long!) and revise your description of her thesis. Again, think BIG PICTURE at first. What’s her overall view of what’s to be done about the US police? Her article is long and at times confusing but if you read her final paragraph carefully, you will see that she is NOT arguing for abolishing (getting rid of) the police. Tell me what she IS saying in her thesis—and why she believes this (her reasons).

      –Once the above is done, go back and tell me whether you think Kaba fairly represents Meares’ view in her article when she writes: “But even a member of the task force, Tracey Meares, noted in 2017, ‘policing as we know it must be abolished before it can be transformed.’ ” Does this accurately capture the totality of Meares’ view?

      –Between now and next Wed, please do the “Quoting Using Signal Verbs” exercise under the “Student Work” menu above.

  8. Abolish: You must Abolish the bad things in life.

    Enforcement : The law enforcement should be Abolished.

    Professionalism: You need a certain amount of professionalism in order to keep a high status

    Violent: There has been a lot of arrest and brutality for not really Violent crimes

    Obsolete: true religion should be Obsolete

    What is police Brutality to you? Police brutality has been around for Centuries and has been happening to all kinds of people around the World But has a big impact on the African Americans all around. In the Article “Yes, We Mean Literally Abolish The Police” by Mariame Kaba she writes about ways the government is trying to make a stop to police brutality and how it has failed Tremendously and the way police officers operate behind doors, committing horrific crimes themselves. Kaba’s perspective is that we should totally Abolish the Police for example in the last paragraph in the article it states “People like me who want to abolish prisons and police, however, have a vision of a different society, built on cooperation instead of individualism.,”

    1. Kay, hi. NIce reading you, especially these sentences. I’m particularly glad you chose the word “abolish,” given how important this word is in the history of slavery and racism in America.

      Some thoughts to help you revise and add to what you’ve written in response to the readings:

      –Be sure you’ve written a full paragraph summarizing each article. This will allow you to fully unpack the details of each text which you can then use to enrich your comparisons.

      –In your discussion of Kaba’s thesis, think more BIG PICTURE at the beginning: what does SHE think should happen to the police force in the US? You get to this in the middle of your summary but I want you to lead with it. When forming paragraphs, it’s best to begin with BIG and then move toward the SMALLER details. To that end, can you include more detail on the history of US policing and police reform that Kaba provides in her article as reasons we should abolish the police?

      –Re-read Meares’ article (especially the end—I know it’s long!) and revise your description of her thesis. Again, think BIG PICTURE at first. What’s her overall view of what’s to be done about the US police? Her article is long and at times confusing but if you read her final paragraph carefully, you will see that she is NOT arguing for abolishing (getting rid of) the police. Tell me what she IS saying in her thesis—and why she believes this (her reasons).

      –Once the above is done, go back and tell me whether you think Kaba fairly represents Meares’ view in her article when she writes: “But even a member of the task force, Tracey Meares, noted in 2017, ‘policing as we know it must be abolished before it can be transformed.’ ” Does this accurately capture the totality of Meares’ view?

      –Between now and next Wed, please do the “Quoting Using Signal Verbs” exercise under the “Student Work” menu above.

  9. Police seem to handle situations in their own hands,their actions made topics like cutting their budgets and it’s forces seem like something that needs to be done.

    Residents call for a complete and total end to policing,policing seems to be influencing areas that are considered bad.everywhere they go crime is created(stop and frisk).

    Misconduct-his misconduct got him kicked out of school

    Abolition- they abolition of an old game got people mad

    Bludgeoning-a man was bludgeoning another man over an argument

    Credence-the credence of this experiment is starting to look true.

    Legitimacy-the legitimacy of his case should be a priority to the community

    In “Yes,we mean literally abolish the police”by Mariame kaba writes about police misconduct and to solve this is to reduce contact between the public and the police. “Efforts to slice police violence through liberal reforms like these have failed for nearly a century”.this century isn’t the only era where America had a problem with police misconduct, it goes back all the way to the 1700’s.america is done and it’s people are “ready to embrace a different vision of safety and justice”.
    In”policing a public good gone wrong” by Tracey meares writes about stop and frisk and how some people got stopped multiple times a year. This happens in areas where the crime rate is considered high.”the primary concern is the police’s role in keeping is safe from each other,but they ignore the fact that security from government overreach and oppression is also a key element of public safety”.the people that were mainly stopped were people of color and the poor.

    1. Daniel,
      Great to read you here–thanks for your post. I’m particularly glad you chose the word “abolish,” given how important this word is in the history of slavery and racism in America.

      Some thoughts to help you revise and add to what you’ve written in response to the readings:

      –Be sure you’ve written a full paragraph summarizing each article. This will allow you to fully unpack the details of each text which you can then use to enrich your comparisons.

      –In your discussion of Kaba’s thesis, think more BIG PICTURE at the beginning: what does SHE think should happen to the police force in the US? You get to this in the middle of your summary but I want you to lead with it. When forming paragraphs, it’s best to begin with BIG and then move toward the SMALLER details. To that end, can you include more detail on the history of US policing and police reform that Kaba provides in her article as reasons we should abolish the police?

      –Re-read Meares’ article (especially the end—I know it’s long!) and revise your description of her thesis. Again, think BIG PICTURE at first. What’s her overall view of what’s to be done about the US police? Her article is long and at times confusing but if you read her final paragraph carefully, you will see that she is NOT arguing for abolishing (getting rid of) the police. Tell me what she IS saying in her thesis—and why she believes this (her reasons).

      –Once the above is done, go back and tell me whether you think Kaba fairly represents Meares’ view in her article when she writes: “But even a member of the task force, Tracey Meares, noted in 2017, ‘policing as we know it must be abolished before it can be transformed.’ ” Does this accurately capture the totality of Meares’ view?

      –Between now and next Wed, please do the “Quoting Using Signal Verbs” exercise under the “Student Work” menu above.

  10. Aldo Pena

    Part A:

    THESIS #1: The police are abusing their power and abolishing them isn’t the right call, a reform has to be done by taking actions such as cutting their budget in half.
    THESIS #2: The excessive force police are using shouldn’t be allowed. The Police force should be abolished. They Are unnecessary if all they do is abuse their power and do the opposite of Protecting and serving the people.

    Violence: Police Violence is scarring the black community.
    Epidemic: The Covid-19 Epidemic is bound to have a second wave in the fall.
    Abolitionists: Lincoln was an abolitionist who planned to abolish slavery.
    Reform: The school board was voting on reform that would change the grading system in the district.
    Defund: The Florida legislature has defunded the welfare commission.

    Part B:

    In the New York Times Article “Yes, We mean Literally abolish the police” the author Maria Kaba speaks on the situation the cops have got themselves into. She goes on about how the police are basically abusing their power and something should be done about that, something such as a reform. The author states that a possible solution would be to cut their budget in half or recruit more fellow black citizens to be officers. Towards the end of the article the author says “People like me who want to abolish prisons and police, however, have a vision of a different society, built on cooperation instead of individualism”. She wants the billions being spent on police to be spent on housing, food and education for all which is honestly an idea I can support.

    In the Boston Review Article “Policing: A Public Good Gone Bad” the author Tracey L. Meares writes on how much excessive force the police uses and why society would be a much better place without the police force itself. The author claims police are violent and they basically don’t understand the protect and serve aspect of that badge they wear. The author also states “If police cannot find a way to change in ways that will better serve the people, then, yes, their footprint should be reduced”. By this she means that if the reformation of the police doesn’t have any results then the abolishment of the entire force should occur.

    1. Aldo,
      Nice work–a pleasure to read you. Glad you chose the term “defund” as it is probably one of the five most important words being used in the current debate about what should be done to address the issue of police brutality in America (e.g., “Defund the police!”).

      Some thoughts to help you revise and add to what you’ve written in response to the readings:

      –Careful with your descriptions of Kaba’s thesis (1) and Meares’ thesis (2). Although they both waver back and forth in their arguments, I don’t think Kaba is ultimately arguing for reform nor do I think Meares is ultimately arguing for the abolition of the police force. Take another look at the articles and rewrite your thoughts on their respective theses, please.

      –Be sure you’ve written a full paragraph summarizing each article. This will allow you to fully unpack the details of each text which you can then use to enrich your comparisons.

      –In your discussion of Kaba’s thesis, think more BIG PICTURE at the beginning: what does SHE think should happen to the police force in the US? You get to this in the middle of your summary but I want you to lead with it. When forming paragraphs, it’s best to begin with BIG and then move toward the SMALLER details. To that end, can you include more detail on the history of US policing and police reform that Kaba provides in her article as reasons we should abolish the police?

      –Re-read Meares’ article (especially the end—I know it’s long!) and revise your description of her thesis. Again, think BIG PICTURE at first. What’s her overall view of what’s to be done about the US police? Her article is long and at times confusing but if you read her final paragraph carefully, you will see that she is NOT arguing for abolishing (getting rid of) the police. Tell me what she IS saying in her thesis—and why she believes this (her reasons).

      –Once the above is done, go back and tell me whether you think Kaba fairly represents Meares’ view in her article when she writes: “But even a member of the task force, Tracey Meares, noted in 2017, ‘policing as we know it must be abolished before it can be transformed.’ ” Does this accurately capture the totality of Meares’ view?

      –Between now and next Wed, please do the “Quoting Using Signal Verbs” exercise under the “Student Work” menu above.

  11. Assignment#1
    Jada Bennett
    Monroe Street
    ENG92, Writing
    17 July 2020
    Writing Prompt #1
    In “ Yes,We Mean Literally Abolish The Police…”, Mariame Kaba writes about why police officers need to be put to an end for the repulsive actions and brutal behavior they have done to the public, which they call “just doing their job”. Kaba argues that officers are breaking rules that they’re supposed to be stopping people from doing, committing crime and abusing their power towards black people and not facing any consequences for it. Police brutality which led to protests, has not stopped these officers from their conducts and it’s drastic that it’ll never end. Kaba wants us to believe that if we make a difference in this society and provide more education, programs and neccesities for people to cooperate in, we wouldn’t need police officers .In “Policing: A Public Good Gone Bad” , Tracy L. Meares is interpreting that police violence against black Americans is very despairing. Meares is trying to make us understand that we have a lack of trust for cops when we should and for that, we take matters into our own hands which creates race-on -race violence. This pertains to why we need a new police system and the reason why cops aren’t facing time for the brutality they’re causing is because their job is based on a corrupt system. -Part A
    In “ Yes, We Mean Literally Abolish The Police ”, Mariame Kaba reiterates on how black Americans nor society cannot refine police officers.The only way to decrease police violence is if the contact of the public and cops are avoided. In the beginning , Kaba indicates her point, that “ There is not a single era in the United States history in which the police were not a force of violence against black people.” Police officers feel they have the power and dignity to be brutal and commit crimes. This explains why Kaba said “ We don’t want to just close police departments. We want to make them obsolete.” Her perspective of this article is that the violence between cops and specifically black Americans is so crucial and it’s history repeating itself, only getting worse. The effects of police brutality has resulted in one or few cops spoiling it for many other cops who are actually understanding and those that don’t support brutality and violence to the people. Something I found interesting about this passage is that society has made us believe that police officers respond to basic noncriminal issues such as noise complaints and issue parking.- Part B
    Vocabulary in “Yes, We Mean Literally Abolish The Police”
    Due to such actions concerning policing, the generation of the interference can be suppressed.
    Police brutality has become a sickening accusation in today’s society. Cops have been bludgeoning black Americans for reasons that’s uncalled for.
    The more incidents and violence that occurs around the United States, black American will be culminating,fighting for justice and peace between themselves and officers.
    With all the madness that’s happening today, students in the following years and further generations will be indoctrinated about this in school.
    The ‘Black Lives Matter” movement has been marginalized by black Americans and those who support this statement.

    In “ Policing : A Public Good Gone Bad”, Tracey L. Meares summarizes that the problem in today’s world is more than just policing. Once we all have a voice and play the role in the community where we can provide occupations, programs, homes etc.,we wouldn’t have to worry about the failures of policing. Officers are supposed to be people we feel safe being around in our community. Meares quoted, “Policing must reorient itself around a new set of goals; we must abandon the project of “proactive policing”.Too many officers and agencies proceed with their work as if the pursuit of crime reduction is self- justifying.”This shows that officers aren’t public goods for us and they’re not here to protect nor support us. They’re here as a profit center. They don’t see anything wrong with anything they do because it’s all about what they say and whoever can help back up their story. People’s perspective of policing is that the high levels of violent crime police have performed needs to end. Officers are “ignoring the fact that security from government outreach and oppression is a key element of public safety.” If policing doesn’t get abolished, black people aren’t ever going to see the end of this type of combat. Something that found interesting in this passage was author of “The Invisible Man, Got The World Watching”, Mychal Denzel Smith quotes James Baldwin. He quotes “ the police are simply the hired enemies of this population. They are present to keep the Negro in his place and to protect white business interests, and they have no other function.”It’s such a coincidence that Baldwin stated that and it means so much in this generation. -Part B

    Vocabulary in “Policing: A Public Good Gone Bad”
    The law system fails to understand that police brutality is a tantamount situation and black Americans are fighting for that to end.
    Once there’s peace between police officers and black Americans, this will be the perfect anodyne in this society.
    In New York City, there are streets emblazoned with “Black Lives Matter” , along with victims that passed from police brutality.
    People that live in impoverished communities need to have a voice to improve their community with programs, jobs, and homes.
    It has been a perilous undertaking since people have been protesting for George Floyd all over the United States.

    1. Jada,
      Great reading you. I love the word “emblazoned” and am glad you’ve used it so well in one of your sentences. Would you mind listing each word before the sentence in which you’re using it so that I can be sure which word you’re trying out?
      Here are some other thoughts on revising your summaries:

      –Careful with the wording in some of these sentences, particularly: “Police brutality which led to protests, has not stopped these officers from their conducts and it’s drastic that it’ll never end. ” –> This indicates that Police brutality…has not stopped officers from…doing bad things. But I’m not sure it’s police brutality that has not stopped officers… Can you re-word?
      Another similarly confusing sentence: “The effects of police brutality has resulted in one or few cops spoiling it for many other cops” –> This seems to suggest that police brutality has caused cops to behave poorly, but I don’t think this is what you mean. (Police brutality is an EXAMPLE of bad behavior on the part of the cops but it doesn’t CAUSE that BAD behavior; it IS a form of that bad behavior.). Please re-read and reword these sentences and others that confuse you when you re-read.

      –In your discussion of Kaba’s thesis, think more BIG PICTURE at the beginning: what does SHE think should happen to the police force in the US? You get to this in the middle of your summary but I want you to lead with it. When forming paragraphs, it’s best to begin with BIG and then move toward the SMALLER details. To that end, can you include more detail on the history of US policing and police reform that Kaba provides in her article as reasons we should abolish the police?

      –Re-read Meares’ article (especially the end—I know it’s long!) and revise your description of her thesis. Again, think BIG PICTURE at first. What’s her overall view of what’s to be done about the US police? Her article is long and at times confusing but if you read her final paragraph carefully, you will see that she is NOT arguing for abolishing (getting rid of) the police. Tell me what she IS saying in her thesis—and why she believes this (her reasons).

      –Once the above is done, go back and tell me whether you think Kaba fairly represents Meares’ view in her article when she writes: “But even a member of the task force, Tracey Meares, noted in 2017, ‘policing as we know it must be abolished before it can be transformed.’ ” Does this accurately capture the totality of Meares’ view?

      –Between now and next Wed, please do the “Quoting Using Signal Verbs” exercise under the “Student Work” menu above.

  12. ENG92, Writing, Assignment July 2020
    Lubna Mojumder

    In the article, ” Yes, We Mean Literally Abolish The Police” by Mariame Kaba, Kaba writes about how the police are crazy and getting out of hand and need to be reformed, and we need to cut their teams and budget in half. For example in the article it states “cut the numbers of police in half and cut their budget in half. Fewer police officers equals fewer opportunities for them to brutalize and kill people”. Also the police have been wrongly attacking black people. For example, George Floyd. Kaba the author has a lot of evidence to support her ides of why we should abolish the police.


    Epidemic: the virus corona has become a worldwide epidemic.

    Obsolete: Type writers became obsolete when computers were invented.

    Bludgeoned: The bully bludgeoned his classmate with a bat.

    In the article, ” Policing: An open good Gone Bad” by Tracy Meares expounds on her understanding towards Mariame Kaba’s announcement in regards to nullifying policing she referencing her contribution of how it can have of effect on taking out their present requests into new ones where police are carrying out their responsibility as ensuring us yet. In addition approach us with deference and rewarded similarly not that whites are dealt with better, police won’t pull off viciousness caused to residents of shading. As she additionally discusses policing must reorient itself around another arrangement of objectives.

    1. Lubna,

      Thank you for your post–I’m struck by the violence of your sentence for “bludgeoned” (and also by the alliteration of the two “b” words sounded together—”bully bludgeoned”—which produce a powerful impact on the reader).

      Here are some changes/revisions I’d like you to make to improve the grade on this assignment:

      –I don’t think Kaba is arguing that the “police are crazy”; if you do, please provide a quotation that shows her expressing this view. Her main thesis has to do with defunding the police and why she thinks simply “reforming” the police force won’t work. Please revise your description of her thesis and provide more detail on why she thinks police reform won’t work. NOTE: her argument is historical; she goes over historical attempts to reform the police that have failed. You should mention some specific points from her discussion of this history in your summary.

      –Please re-write your summary of Meares’ article using shorter sentences with clearer subject-verb agreements. (I’m getting lost trying to follow your thoughts through these long sentences.) BEFORE YOU RE-WRITE, please do the subject-verb agreement exercise here:


      1. ENG92, Writing Assignment July 2020
        Lubna Mojumder
        Re-right Assignment

        Epidemic: the virus corona has become a worldwide epidemic.

        Obsolete: Type writers became obsolete when computers were invented.

        Bludgeoned: The bully bludgeoned his classmate with a bat.

        In “Yes,We Mean Literally abolish the police” with the aid of Mariame kaba writes about police misconduct and to resolve this is to reduce touch between the public and the police. “Efforts to slice police violence through liberal reforms like these have failed for nearly a century”.This century isn’t the handiest era in which America had a trouble with police misconduct, it is going back all the manner to the 1700’s.The usa is finished and it’s people are “geared up to embrace a exceptional vision of safety and justice”.
        In “Policing: A Public Good Gone Bad,” Tracey Meares surely has the same opinion with Kaba’s argument, but with very small differences. Meares focuses on a revolutionary technique and goals to maintain the picture of Police in America. For example, Meares states, “Taking the employer-community dating critically implies a number of adjustments which can be approximately greater than having police meet felony minimums.” Meares promotes the presence of Police in America, but needs them to prioritize the real things that count number. This is essential due to the fact having more investment for weapons and vehicles doesn’t make the police any higher; it’s approximately being more related with the community and forming mutual accept as true with between officers and civilians. Black kids have to no longer ought to be frightened of law enforcement officials; no person need to. Police authority should be abolished, but be reformed from the floor up to be realistically effective.

  13. In “Yes, We Mean Literally Abolish the Police,” Mariame Kaba writes about police brutality and the idea of abolishing the police, These topics were brought into light after another case of police brutality occurred in the United States. Mariame Kaba tries to convince the readers that police officers aren’t as helpful as they seem, “They spend most of their time responding to noise complaints, issuing parking and traffic citations and dealing with other noncriminal issues” Kaba states. Kaba also talks about how she wants to abolish police in order to transform it into something better than we currently have “ policing as we know it must be abolished before it can be transformed.” Kaba talks about how we should cut the numbers in half for police and cut their budget in half in order to give them less opportunities to brutalize and kill people. Although Kaba agrees with this many people would disagree because they think that having less police officers would make them feel unsafe or that it would only increase crime rates.

    I think the author Meares believes that we should focus on the community, In “Policing: A Public Good Gone Bad,” by Tracey L. Meares is that police should focus on what makes people safe rather than treating crime reduction as the highest goal. Tracey Meares thinks we should recenter policing’s fundamental nature as a public good. The author also believes that there are better, more effective methods of crime reduction than policing. Meares states “ Many grassroots initiatives in the city have sought to prove that alternative methods of crime reduction can be more effective than policing.” One thing that stands out to me from this article is that Meares claims “Probably the most important change we can make is to require policing agencies to take preservation of life seriously,” Like acknowledging and reacting properly to a request like “ I cant breathe.”

    1. Roman,
      Thank you for these summaries–on the whole they are well-written; however, they are far from complete. Please do the following revisions for a re-grade:

      –Include vocab words and sentences for each article.

      –In your summary of Kaba’s thesis, include reference to several specific points she makes about the history of (failed) police reform. This is the heart of her argument about why she thinks we need to abolish the police rather than try to re-train or penalize them—she observes that such efforts have already been made…and failed. But you need to show us some of this historical support she marshals to support her argument. Also, I highly suggest you find synonyms for the verb “abolish” as it is being used quite repetitiously in this summary —occasionally multiple times in the same sentence. When you repeat a word over and over again it becomes harder and harder for your reader to understand what you mean.

      –Your summary of Meares’ text is strong; however, pay attention to the way you end your quotation. It’s almost always too confusing for the reader to extend your sentence after a quotation the way you have here. Try stopping the quotation and then beginning a new sentence with a transitional phrase, e.g.: One example of “taking the preservation of life seriously” would be for the police to listen well to the request of a human they’ve detained to lessen their use of force. For instance, when George Floyd told Derek Chauvin “I can’t breath,” Chauvin should have heard this as the plea of a man on the brink of death rather than as front designed to manipulate him.



    Friday July 17, 2020

    Article #1

    Five vocabulary words/ sentences:

    1- Convened: means to “come or bring together for a meeting or activity; assemble”.
    Big and important meetings, convened by the President of the United States of America.
    2- repercussions: means “an unintended consequence occurring some time after an event or action, especially an unwelcome one”.
    Covid- 19 has taken repercussions in everyone’s life these past few months, positively and negatively.
    3- Reducing: “make smaller or less in amount, degree, or size”.
    There was a huge mass in Sara’s liver and the doctors reduced the size of it with surgery.
    4- Abandoning: “give up completely (a course of action, a practice, or a way of thinking)”.
    Saras’ parents abandoned her when she was only 5 years old.
    5- Demanded: “ask authoritatively or brusquely”.
    My father demanded me for a glass of water.


    In the article Yes, We Mean Literally Abolish The Police, written by Mariame Kaba. The author is trying to point out to us the facts about the police and police brutality. She is trying to open our eyes and not blind us by thinking that the police are here for our safety. She states the facts about what recently has taken place the death of George Floyd. “Joe Biden wants to give police departments $300 MM” but what is the point of all this money when they are not using it on the right things. She also mentions that, “But efforts to solve police violence through liberal reforms like these have failed for nearly a century.” I agree absolutely 100% with what Mariame Kaba states in this article because she has been talking about things that have not been said. The most important thing to notice in this article, something that I found very interesting and amusing was when she said “Fewer police officers equals fewer opportunities for them to brutalize and kill people.” this really caught my attention because it is true, some police officers abuse their “power” and use it in the wrong places.

    Comment: I personally enjoyed reading this article because a lot had been said which should’ve been said a long time ago. Police brutality is a huge issue in today’s society and frankly, it always has been but things get covered.

    Hello Professor, I was just a little confused about the thesis because what you asked for the thesis, I mentioned in the summary.

    Article #2

    Five Vocabulary word/sentences:

    Embalized: Display, decorate
    People wearing emblazoned t-shirts with the name of the basketball team.

    Diminished: Made smaller or less
    By the passage of time pain will gradually diminish.

    Racialize: categorize or divide according to race
    People need to stop making Racial comments, we all are the same. Humanity is the biggest religion.

    Diversity: varieties, range of different things
    There is a diversity of underwater habitats present there.

    Caricature: a picture or description about something.
    On our family vacation, I paid an artist to sketch a hilarious caricature of us.

  15. Atta, thanks for this.

    You asked about Kaba’s thesis, and I think this is very important to communicate clearly in the first or second line of your summary. You could signal you are discussing Kaba’s this by saying something like:

    In “Yes, We Mean Literally Abolish the Police,” Mariame Kaba argues that the US government needs to stop trying to get rid of its police force and instead simply get rid of it.

    I’m not sure what you currently have is quite so specific about the thesis she is arguing in support of. Sure she mentions facts about police brutality etc. but it’s possible to mention the same facts and not argue for the abolishing of the police. So try to be more specific in your summary about what her argument/thesis/opinion (all terms meaning more or less the same thing) is.

    Also, in your summary, please include a specific reference to the history of police reform that Kaba mentions in her article; the historical failures of police reform is a very important reason that uses to support her thesis.

    Lastly, please provide a summary of Meares’ article and your opinion on whether Kaba accurately describes Meares’ argument.

    Thanks again–looking forward to your revisions.

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