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  1. This photo is an ambiguous figure -ground relationship  , because the reflection of the buildings makes it difficult to determine what it actually is.
  2. This photo is an ambiguous figure-ground relationship  , I took this photo through a chain link fence which makes a grid overlay, The background has reflections off of the car actually repeating the fence onto the cars window.
  3. This photo is an obvious figure ground relationship  , because you tell it is a car being drove on a street.
  4. This photo is an obvious figure ground relationship  , you can tell that it is a house but know that its true colors aren’t being shown because of its darkened areas. ( contrast)
  5. This photo is an obvious figure -ground relationship  , although you can not see the building in the background you can imply that it is one , and that the alien looking thing hanging is a security camera.
  6. This photo is a ambiguous figure -ground relationship  , This is a close up of a side of a building , The shadows and the objects make it hard to figure out what this actually is at first glance.

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