Animation showing before and after of assignment

Use Adobe Illustrator to make a simplified, two-color vector illustration based on one of the faces below.

  1. Choose a face from the gallery above; save and download the image.
  2. Create a new Adobe Illustrator document, setting the size to 8″ x 8″ in the new document popup.
  3. Place the image in your Illustrator document (File -> Place). Position the image so the face is centered in the composition. You may want to turn off smart guides at this point (View -> Smart Guides).
  4. Create a new layer (using the “+” at the bottom right of the “layers” panel). Then, lock the one with the original image. You can lock or unlock a layer by clicking to the right of the eyeball in the “layers” panel.
    lock icon location in Illustrator layers panel
  5. Use the pen tool in Adobe Illustrator to trace the outline of the head on this layer.
  6. Create a new layer, then lock the the one containing the head’s outline.
  7. Use the pen tool to threshold the image by outlining dark or shadowed areas.
  8. Select the shapes you drew for the previous step, then combine them as a group (Object -> Group). Give them a black (#000000) fill and no outline.
  9. Unlock the layer with the head’s outline. Give it a white (#FFFFFF) fill and no outline.
  10. Create a new layer below the one with the head’s outline. Draw a rectangle that completely fills the artboard (8″ x 8″), and fill it with the color of your choice, then lock the layer.
  11. (Big Step) Clean up and simplify your traced shapes, using automatic tools like “simplify” (Object -> Path -> Simplify) as well as the direct select and anchor point tools.
  12. Export your finished face as a high-quality JPEG (File -> Export -> Save for Web (Legacy)).
  13. Post the exported image to OpenLab. Title your post “[your name]: Making Faces” and tag it with “Homework: Making Faces”.

Due Nov 22