WEEK 8 CLASS : Looking forward to seeing you on ZOOM later today!


Hello Class!

Hoping you are all doing well given the craziness.

I am very much looking forward to seeing your faces this evening!

I was thinking we could use this first meeting as a test session.  So it will go like this:

  • Orientation & Overall Structure : I’ll give you some notes today on what to be prepared for in remaining half of the semester.  I’ll show you where & when to find any reading, discussions, or lectures for the remaining weeks.


We will always have the Weekly ZOOM meetings, but we will use it mainly for Critiques and Guest Speakers.  I’ll have weekly Lectures, Discussion and Readings here on the Openlab as well so that you can access them 24/7.

This course will progress on a weekly basis.  Since our course date is Thursday, your new content will appear on open lab at 12:01 am every week.  (Today being the exception as I’m working on it now!)   Your course work is DUE every week WED at 11:59pm.  So, for example whatever is DUE for Week 8 (today’s class is week 8), will need to be completed and uploaded by 11:59 pm on WED the 25th.  Week 9 begins for us at 12:01 am on the 26th.  Super EASY!

Exams and Quizzes: I did not originally envision the course with tests in it.  However, since I can’t work with you in person to access how you are doing, you will be receiving more quizzes so we can both see how you are progressing.  You’ll always have a week to complete any quiz or exam.

  • Q&A Session
  • MIDTERM CRITIQUE – We will use the remaining class time today as a class critique of your Midterm projects.  This will help us all get used to sharing our screens and proper web meeting etiquette.  So please, if you’d like feedback you can share your work with the group today. I am not grading from this critique.  See the DEADLINE extension below.

As you all know, before the the closure, and our move to distance learning, the MIDTERM PROJECT was due today.  We all needed a week to adjust to all of these changes.

The Midterm is now due on WEDNESDAY the 25th at 11:59 PM. 

It must be posted online as per the original instructions.


Thats’ all for now!

See you later!


Prof. Woolley



Here is this week’s ZOOM MEETING INFORMATION in case you missed it! :


Topic: COMD 3633 WEEK 9
Time: Mar 19, 2020 06:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 651 839 035




Class Check In and ZOOM meeting information


Holla if you hear me!


Hello Class-

I’m hoping you are all doing ok during these crazy times.  Thank you so much to all of you who have been responding and giving feedback.  It really helps.  Here are a few quick notes on our class.  PLEASE BE SURE YOU FILL OUT THE SURVEY AT THE END.  Comment below, so I know your read this.


  • OPENLAB will remain the online home of this class. I will continue to post all course materials right here.
  • OFFICE HOURS will continue, and we will discuss the structure of that ASAP.
  • CLASS TIME will continue, but there will be some changes to accommodate everyone’s rapidly changing lives.
  • ZOOM will be our primary WEB CONFERENCE TOOL (see below)
  • THE MIDTERM PROJECT is NOT due 3/19. It will be due instead 3/26
  • No Quiz this week either.
  • ALL projects will be turned in DIGITALLY moving forward.





Topic: COMD 3633 WEEK 9
Time: Mar 19, 2020 06:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 651 839 035

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Meeting ID: 651 839 035
Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/abb23ubsVi




Hello Class-


First off I hope this message finds you well, and you aren’t too stressed by all of the craziness right now.

Now, as you are probably already aware, per Governor Cuomo’s comments earlier today, CUNY is implementing a transition to distance education for the remainder of the semester, following a five-day instructional recess for pedagogical retooling that will begin tomorrow, March 12.


Here is what this means for our class.

  • We are ALL on instructional recess, so now classes will be held online or in person beginning a week from today: Thursday the 19th.
  • This course will be moving into a fully online model. We have this week to figure out how best to do that.  Our class is in good shape for this, as we are already on Openlab.   I am currently working out how to move the in person instruction to the Openlab so that you can still get the most out of this course.  For your part, please modify your mindset to consider how you can best learn in an online environment.  Your activity on this site, both with me and with each other is going to need to step up.  if we do this well, it should still feel like we are all in this together.
  • As students, you should make sure during this week that you have access to everything you require to complete your coursework.  Make sure you have access to software, computers, scanners and tablets etc. so that you can continue to meet course expectations. If you need to borrow a tablet from the COMD CLTS you still can as campus is still open.
  • Your MIDTERM PROJECT is now DUE next week, not today.  I will explain changes to the Midterm in a separate thread. Please do spend this week working on it.
  • The Quiz on the reading will be posted during this week.  I will not require it to be completed until the 19th.
  • Lastly, please be open with your questions.  There are NO stupid questions except the ones you fail to ask.  Please post any questions in this thread so that we can ALL participate in the same conversation. 

I know its it’s hard for all of us to stay positive and focused right now.  I get it.  We will get through this by staying calm and working together. For my own part, I am aleiviating my tension with animal videos.  Feel free to share your favorites.  🙂


Please COMMENT or post a “therapy link” below so that I know you all got the message.


-Professor Woolley



Class – Thank you so much to all of you who have agreed to work this weekend installing the EPIDEMIC exhibition. however after much deliberation we decided to postpone the show. It will probably be taking place in the FALL 20 semester instead.

Please comment below to let me know you go the message.

Prof. Woolley



  • Class Presentations
  • IN CLASS Critique: Present your draft self promo and your promotional strategy to the class.
  • Work in Class:  Working solo or as a as a team, continue your Self Promotional Piece(s).
  • Guest Speaker LARA ANTAL




  1. Reading : TAKE HOME QUIZ on reading weeks 2-6 from Inside the Business of Illustration and Nuts & Bolts.  QUIZ will be posted TO OPENLAB COURSEWORK SECTION. 
  2. Continue Self Promotional Piece DRAFT is DUE NEXT WEEK.
  3. Continue your Sketchbook.  Play with Personal Style and imagery .   Collect inspirational images. Sketchbook will be reviewed Next Week. ( You’ll be dropping it off Thursday evening for pick up the following Thursday. )
  4. Continue to build your Mailing List as prescribed on page 102 of Inside the Business of Illustration CH5 .  You may share your list with other who are interested in the same markets that you are.  You may work as a team. You SHOULD combine all the information you have already gathered through researching your illustration heroes.

Please Note the Self Promotional Piece and the Mailing List are ongoing assignments.  Though I will check periodically, you will not be graded on them until midterm.  They are 40% of your grade so act accordingly.  You will be graded on both at MIDTERM.  DRAFT DUE Week 7 / FINAL DUE week 8



Week 5


  • Class Presentations & Announcements
  • Discuss Inside the Business of Illustration by Steven Heller and Marshall Arisman, CH5 Promotion and Nuts & Bolts Being Visible 
  • IN CLASS Presentation: Present in teams your timeline, skethces, and self promo strategies.
  • Work in Class:  Working solo or as a as a team, continue your Self Promotional Piece(s).
  • Guest Speaker Alitha Martinez




  1. Read: NONE.  YOU’VE GOT A WEEK TO CATCH UP ON THE READING… there might be a QUIZ! 
  2. Continue Self Promotional Piece brainstorming work you started in in Class! (Consider ideation techniques/ mind mapping you have learned from reading.)  You will be presenting your designs next week, along with an explanation of why they would work for your goals.
  3. Continue your Sketchbook.  Play with Personal Style and imagery .   Collect inspirational images.
  4. Continue your Mailing List as prescribed on page 102 of Inside the Business of Illustration CH5 .  You may share your list with other who are interested in the same markets that you are.  You may work as a team. You SHOULD combine all the information you have already gathered through researching your illustration heroes.

Please Note the Self Promotional Piece and the Mailing List are ongoing assignments.  Though I will check periodically, you will not be graded on them until midterm.  They are 40% of your grade so act accordingly.  You will be graded on both at MIDTERM.  DUE week 7


Create a Google Doc to track the information you learn.  Include things like:

  • Name
  • ROLE: i.e. Art Director, Editor, etc.
  • Markets they specialize in (Books (Children’s, Sci-Fi, etc., Editorial Illustrations, Advertising)
  • Specific Themes or Subjects they are interested in (Political, Dark, Sports,Etc.)
  • Work they have commissioned that interested you.
  • Address
  • Email
  • Phone
  • NOTES (where you found them. any specifics that might make you able to create a personal connection. )



LECTURE  PDF in Course Files

  • Class Presentations & Review Last Week
  • Guest Speaker: Robin Ha

  • Discuss: Inside the Business of Illustration by Steven Heller and Marshall Arisman, CH5 Promotion.

    MIDTERM PROJECT Assignment


RESEARCH your mailing list.  Share information with classmates.

WORK on your Self Promotional Piece.



  1. Read: Nuts and Bolts Ch3 – being visible is essential
  2. Continue Self Promotional Piece brainstorming work you started in in Class! (Consider ideation techniques/ mind mapping you have learned from reading.)  You will be presenting your designs next week, along with an explanation of why they would work for your goals.
  3. Continue your Sketchbook.  Play with Personal Style and imagery .   Collect inspirational images.
  4. Begin creating your Mailing List as prescribed on page 102 of Inside the Business of Illustration CH5 .  You may share your list with other who are interested in the same markets that you are.  You may work as a team. You SHOULD combine all the information you have already gathered through researching your illustration heroes.

Please Note the Self Promotional Piece and the Mailing List are ongoing assignments.  Though I will check periodically, you will not be graded on them until midterm.  They are 40% of your grade so act accordingly.  You will be graded on both at MIDTERM.  DUE week 7


Create a Google Doc to track the information you learn.  Include things like:

  • Name
  • ROLE: i.e. Art Director, Editor, etc.
  • Markets they specialize in (Books (Children’s, Sci-Fi, etc., Editorial Illustrations, Advertising)
  • Specific Themes or Subjects they are interested in (Political, Dark, Sports,Etc.)
  • Work they have commissioned that interested you.
  • Address
  • Email
  • Phone
  • NOTES (where you found them. any specifics that might make you able to create a personal connection. )



LECTURE  PDF in Course Files

  • Class Presentations & Announcements
  • Discuss Inside the Business of Illustration by Steven Heller and Marshall Arisman, CH2 Style
  • Discuss Yuko Shimizu: Visual Vocabulary

  • Sketchbook Share and Discussion on Personal Style and Visual Vocabulary

  • Quick Review of Week 2 Lecture

  • LOOK at Illustration Annuals – Tools for Research, Inspiration and Self Promotion!
  • IN CLASS Presentation: Present in teams the information you learn from researching your Illustration Heroes.

  • Watch Sterling Hundley on IDEATION
  • Work in Class:  Working solo or as a as a team, begin considering the following question: What kind of work do I want? What Self Promotional Piece(s) could I make to help me get it?  Remember you have been considering what kind of work you’d like to be hired to make in your sketchbook.  Start there.




  1. Read: Inside the Business of Illustration by Steven Heller and Marshall Arisman, CH5 Promotion. (see 4)
  2. Continue Self Promotional Piece brainstorming work you started in in Class! (Consider ideation techniques/ mind mapping you have learned from reading.)  You will be presenting your designs next week, along with an explanation of why they would work for your goals.
  3. Continue your Sketchbook.  Play with Personal Style and imagery .   Collect inspirational images.
  4. Begin creating your Mailing List as prescribed on page 102 of Inside the Business of Illustration CH5 .  You may share your list with other who are interested in the same markets that you are.  You may work as a team. You SHOULD combine all the information you have already gathered through researching your illustration heroes.

Please Note the Self Promotional Piece and the Mailing List are ongoing assignments.  Though I will check periodically, you will not be graded on them until midterm.  They are 40% of your grade so act accordingly.  You will be graded on both at MIDTERM.  DUE week 7


Create a Google Doc to track the information you learn.  Include things like:

  • Name
  • ROLE: i.e. Art Director, Editor, etc.
  • Markets they specialize in (Books (Children’s, Sci-Fi, etc., Editorial Illustrations, Advertising)
  • Specific Themes or Subjects they are interested in (Political, Dark, Sports,Etc.)
  • Work they have commissioned that interested you.
  • Address
  • Email
  • Phone
  • NOTES (where you found them. any specifics that might make you able to create a personal connection. )