Project 4 Story Idea

The original story where the concept derived from is from the story, Repunzel by The Brothers Grimm.

In the original story we have a princess, named Repunzel, as “a damsel in distress” locked in a stair-less tower by a witch and is eventually saved by a prince …. However, in my story, she is her own knight in shining armor. The story take place in a Nigeria (a country in W. Africa) in a village complex called, Umuahia, (so yes, she’s a darker skinned African). Ngozi, stubborn, yet strong willed, is the oldest of 7 children in a prestigious royal family. She is appointed to take the throne after her mother. her mother, Chibundo, who favors her more than the rest of her 6 siblings. One of her siblings, Azuka, who has strongly envied her for years, is in disdain, so one night she gives Ngozi a herb to knock her unconscious for a few days, she then locks her away in a sky-scrapping  tower where she eventually removes the stairs. The mother, who has no idea what Azuka has done, thinks Ngozi is died and gives Azuka her future crown. As Ngozi unknowably is locked away, she finds magical herbs growing within and around the tower, she starts feeding on them and gains strength and power in the most usual part of her body, her hair. For the 10 years she is imprisoned, her hair grew rapidly and out of control, she then locs it for easier management.

In the duration of 10 years, the mother dies from heartbreak and Ngozi is still locked up in the tower. Her younger sister, Azuka, is set to take the throne as queen. But, Nogozi, now older and stronger with her hair longer, is going to escape the imprisonment and take back her rightful place on the throne from her wicked, corrupted sister.

Details: Whenever Ngozi is in fury, her eyes glow along with her locs, as strength generates in her locs.

Target audience: Young adults to mature adults; has violence and gore (not too much though).


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