Sorry for it being so late, but I was having trouble with it, I think this the right approach now. Numbers 13, 14, and 15 are sketches of a person cooking, the book says recipe for perfect life and the ingredients are the social media icons. Numbers 16 and 17 may be hard to understand from the picture. The sketches are of a husband and wife. The wife posted a picture of her husband putting a necklace on her as a gift and got a like which is what the computer screen is showing. However in reality the husband is actually choking her, it is sowing how people only how the good side of life.
Sedra- Nice work.
These concepts are interesting and clever. However, a few of them are not reading clearly… they are a STORY not a single image. (16 and 17 especially) – I like the idea behind 13. 14. 15 but it MUST be simplified. Get it to its most important elements then use them well compositionally. What elements do you need to convey this idea? Try zooming the camera in .
In 4 / 5 is a person being force fed those icons? I like 4 very much!
7/8 are also a cool idea – is the person falling apart or made of the icons?
You next step it to refine into concept sketches. How about one for EACh of these 3 scenarios that makes your concept clear and are all nicely composed. Again… think SIMPLE ok? Use Visual metaphor to do the work!