Project 4: Narrative Illustration Proposals

Story: She

Genre: Fiction

Setting: On the Page of a writers books

Since the story takes place between a writer and his fictional character. He’s basically creating her and where the story will take place. So for my change i would make it the main character different from a writer. the main character will be a 3d model designer and he is making the character adding text and putting his character into a game

Project 4: Character Design Project Description & SUBMISSION


Project 4: Character Design & Concept Art

Overall Description:

In this multilayered project you will reinterpret a classic folk tale or fairy tale through your own creative lens.

For this part of the project you will develop characters for your original concept.

These characters and concept sketches may, but are not required to be in color.

Art can be made using any combination of traditional drawing / inking skills and digital coloring.

This project leads into our FINAL PROJECT.


Project 4 GRADING BREAKDOWN           

75 % project grade Character Design Model Sheets, and the 6 Basic Expressions or more for at least 2 characters.

25 % project grade Written Post. (PROOF READ YOUR POST.  SPELLING AND GRAMMAR COUNT.)

DUE DEC 16th



Narrative Project Description

Project Description:

In this multilayered assignment you will reinterpret a classic folk tale or fairy tale through your own creative lens.  You will, through the course of the assignment develop characters, setting, and finalize 2 illustrations featuring the same character in two very different settings and situations.


  • You may choose a vertical or horizontal format.
  • Final art will be 11 x 14 – inch, full-color illustration
  • You should interpret the story through your own personal artistic lens informed by thorough research and reference.
  • Final art will be delivered digitally.
  • All drawing will be done traditionally, and will be rendered in a medium and process to be agreed upon with instructor.


IMPORTANT CLass Timeline … countdown to the last day!


Nov 28 | Week 12

DUE: Project 3 FINAL Art.

DUE: Narrative Illustration Proposal

NEW: Project 4- Narrative Illustration Character Design Rough Sketches


Dec 5 | Week 13

Work in CLASS on Narrative Illustration Character Design & Concept Art  Rough Sketches

NEW: Project 4 – Narrative Illustration Character Design & Concept Art  Rough Sketches

NEW : Thumbnails for Final Project Narrative Illustration (Get approval early on openlab for MORE WORKING TIME!!!)


Dec 12 | Week 14

DUE: Project 4 – Narrative Illustration Character Design & Concept Art  Rough Sketches

DUE: Thumbnails for Final Project Narrative Illustration.

NEW: Concept Sketches for Final Project.



Dec19 | Week 15

Final Project due. Peer Critique



Project 4: Narrative Illustration Proposals

He professor I decided to add different generes to alice and red riding hood. And I still have that bonus story too if you wanna check that out. Have a good day


  1. Story: Little Red Riding Hood.
  • Genre 1: Fantasy
  • Setting: In NYC with a twist of future technology mixed with a fantasy such as, gadgets, high-tech weaponry, and magic.
  • The story will be about Red Riding hood herself, her name is “Scarlette” And by day she’s a regular student in high school and by night she’s a heroic vigilante that takes down monsters, demons, and other villains terrorizing the NYC Night. Using her high tech demonic scythe and super speed, she takes down evil that’s in her path.
  • Genre 2: Horror
  • Setting: 1940’s in Italy
  • The Story will be around Red Riding Hood and she’s around 20 years old, she was walking home from her grandmother when all of a sudden she was attacked and bitten by a werewolf. Because of this she was turned to a demon werewolf. Because of the wolf blood running through her veins she lures bandits and villains with her beauty, and where they’re completely captivated by her she slaughters them and eats their hearts out. She goes around town protecting people and killing the evil ones that are out to harm anyone in her way.





  1. Story: Alice in Wonderland
  • Setting: In the current time of London England today with a twist of steampunk, and zombies.
  • Genre 1: Fantasy
  • The story will revolve around a teenage version of Alice. Her parents sent her to a boarding school in London England because she’s a rebel and is rocking her half goth/ steampunk look. All of a sudden, her school is corrupted with zombies and demons rising from the depth of Hell. While trying to escape Alice falls into the Hell Hole, and was granted demon powers by a demon mad hatter and her goal is to kill all the zombies and ghouls in her way and must find the evil Zombie queen and chop off her head in order to be freed from hell and for London to return back to the way it was or else London and world will die.
  • Genre 2: Horror
  • Setting: London 1935
  • The Story will be about Alice, when she was young she witnessed her father being arrested and executed in public for no reason by the King of England (Male version of the Red Queen of Hearts). Then later on her mother was kidnapped by the King to be kept as a slave she died from illness and torture from the king. At the age of 19 the king tried to have Alice to himself but she escaped but then falls into a deep darkened hole. With her last dying breath she wished to avenge her parents and wanted the king dead. A white rabbit not knowing it was a demon finds her and grants her wish and resurrects her as a vengeful demon. She soon starts to slaughter the kings advisors, knights, and family members, and soon on kills the king by chopping his head. When she finishes everyone off she soon becomes the Queen of England and makes England a better place.



Bonus Round:  Story: Mulan

  • Setting: NYC. Near on in the future for War with Korea
  • Genre: Horror/ Fantasy
  • The story will revolve around Mulan, she and her family Immigrated from China when she was just a baby. During her time in America she hears and see’s the evil terror of Kim Jon Un, because of this it sparks her to fight against evil, She becomes a police officer and a secret spy, later on America needed people to who signed up to join the ARMY, Mulan was going to sign up but her family was highly against it, and they told her if she returns she will be dishonored. She fought against North Korea and won, but when she came home her family dishonored her, then later on she was kidnapped by North Korean soldiers and was tortured and left to die, Mulan was about to die and swore her vengeance upon North Korea and anyone evil in her way, She was granted demon powers by a demon dragon spirit named MUU-SHUU. With her powers she fights against evil that stands in her way.

Project 4 Proposals

Story: The boy who cried wolf

Proposal 1:
Genre: Science Fiction/Comic
Setting: Blade runner-esque city (rainy, crowded looking, nighttime) kind of like NYC.

Set in the far future this would involve the boy in a futuristic (original blade runner inspired world). Takes place in a city rather than near a farm village. The boy is a bounty hunter who can tell the truth by touching people with his robotic arm. The wolf is his current target, a criminal who is half wolf/human due to genetic manipulation from this future.

Proposal 2:
Genre: Horror/Fantasy
Setting: A medieval tavern or village.

Set in a fantasy world like the Wheel of Time or LOTR books where many different races live. The wolf would be the main character, he would be more human but retain wolf features, a knight or warrior. The boy would be a villain who loves lies, hunting the wolf down because he can see through the boy’s lies. The boy would be more of an adult and a fantasy creature like a Ringwraith from LOTR.

Project 4 Proposal

Story: The Seven Ravens
Author: the Brothers Grimm (Jacob & Wilhelm Grimm)

Proposal 1
Genre: Dark Sci-Fi/Dystopian
Setting: Munich, Germany
Rated X (NC-17)
Summary: In this modern alternate universe everything takes a drastic turn where all of the characters that you know and will get to know undergo horrifying deformities, mutilation, deaths, torture. Anything that you can imagine happening to the characters will not be for the faint-hearted. Ten years after the event of the “missing” seven brothers their father (a former scientist throughout the experiments of MK Ultra) tells his one daughter who was the youngest of the siblings, “you have brothers you’d never met. You can find them at the castle that stands on the glass-mountain. Godspeed you for the twisted horrors you will witness.” She takes the journey onward, discovers a key throughout her two days and approaches the entrance of the castle. At the castle she discovers it is no ordinary castle but a prison and research facility where her brothers have been imprisoned where they are tortured, exposed to radiation poisoning, mutilated, deformed and drugged by the scientists (whom Jacob & Wilhelm Grimm are one of many) to control their mutation (their development of growing wings that resemble that of a raven’s.)

Proposal 2
Genre: Fantasy
Setting: Central City, USA
Rated PG
Summary: In this alternate reality the seven brothers who are your typical adolescent individuals are given a request by their father to head on over to the supermarket to get food for the house. the boys get dressed and are laughing and joking until they catch the arrival of an oncoming meteorite at the late evening sky. The meteorite lands towards a nearby forest and the curious youngsters run towards the crash site and discover it having vibrant-colored crystals from its interior. The boys are astonished but then begin to feel weary and pass-out from the radiation. Waking up minutes later they discover themselves each having wings as black as ravens and wings as big as cows. Amazed by their transformation they all fly home and crash through their roof onto the living room floor scaring their parents and baby sister. Excited and happy, the boys laugh and their parents confused as to what had happened.

Project 4 – Proposal

Story: The Red Riding Hood

Change: setting; update characters

New Story: The story will take place in an advanced maniacal age where everything is robotic. All the characters in the story will be robotic. There is some sort of mysterious power inside of red riding hood’s grandma’s body. The power can change the whole world. The bad robotic wolf wants that power so that he captures her grandma. Then the robotic red riding hood will be on a mission on rescuing her grandma. The story will focus on the final battle between the robotic red riding and the robotic wolf. The two characters will use a lot of advanced technical weapons. At the end the robotic red riding hood wins the fight and saves her grandma.