Collective Arts Brewing – Deadline to submit: September 30, 2017

Class-  Here is a chance to get some professional exposure for your work and earn some money from it!  And you thought this was JUST an assignment!



We are looking for the best new and emerging artists around the globe to be part of our Series 9 Call for Art. This year marks an important milestone for Collective Arts. Our beer can be found coast-to-coast in Canada, and in the USA we are available in New York, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont. Collective Arts will be launching in Chicago and Nashville this fall and our beers can be found in Australia! We want to show the world YOUR work as we continue to grow. 

Deadline: September 30, 11:59PM.


Assignment 1 Product Illustration

DUE 9/26 FINAL Pencil Drawing


All Final Drawings must be UPLOADED to OPENLAB for GRADING in the following manner:

Write a new post and use the following naming protocol:

  • Firstname Lastname, Assignment One

  • Tag it in the Category ASSIGNMENT ONE.

  • In the body of the post tell us the name of the illustration, for  example:

  • Illustration for Celestial Seasoning Tea, Mint Magic.

  • UPLOAD a HIGH QUALITY (White Balanced and Cropped) SCAN of the image at 150 DPI.

  • Finally, Bring your DRAWING into class along with 3 photocopies at 50% size for WORK IN CLASS next week.



Preparing your Chosen Concept Sketch:

  • SCAN your concept sketch.
  • If you are making any edits to this sketch, draw your edits and scan those.
  • USING Adobe PS cut and paste together the final mock up.
  • A good rule of thumb is to draw your illustration 50% larger than it will appear in print.
  • You may need to print the image out in sections and tape it together!

TRANSFER your concept sketch carefully onto the FINAL WORKING SURFACE using the SARAL Transfer Paper.

  • Be sure to do this neatly! Use masking tape and blank paper to prevent unwanted marks on the border of your illustration.
  • Be sure to tape the illustration down carefully so that it doesn’t creep causing the image to warp.
  • Don’t press TOO hard…you should still be able to erase your marks.

FINALIZE your concept sketch onto the FINAL WORKING SURFACE.

  • Don’t press TOO hard…you should still be able to erase your marks.
  • Don’t shade. You’ll fill in areas of value later in the process.
  • Don’t INK. Your Art Director may still request changes.
  • This drawing should be done at your highest level of skill.
  • Be sure you are carefully considering your focal points and image hierarchy. (This may be achieved with value but should be planned as you draw.)


Label Specs


Hello class-

As each of you is designing your concept sketches it is very important that you keep in mind the project specs (i.e. size, shape, colors requirement, and resolution) of the final art work.


So the art created for a beer can like the one below would be different than that created for a beer bottle or a wine label.


PLEASE keep in mind that you should feel free to be creative with this.  A label might have a rectangular or square shape, but it DOES NOT HAVE TO.  Not that the ones below do not. So when deciding on the overall shape, do what will make for the better and more unique overall illustration.   The only rule is that it MUST BE FUNCTIONAL.  If you are not sure, use a photocopier and cut out your concept sketch and test it out on an actual bottle or box.

I’m including below some TYPICAL label templates as a helpful tool.  They are meant to print on 8.5 x 11 paper.  You don’t HAVE to use them.  Look at creative illustrated packaging for inspiration.  And really as long as it could actually work, the sky is the limit!

To get an idea of sizes: TYPICALLY a rectangular Wine Labels like these (theres also the little wrap around necker which you can choose to design or not!) are around 3.5″ x 4″


But you can also choose to design a wrap around image like these …

AND AGAIN… IT’S UP TO YOU. YOU DON”T have to conform to these shapes unless you choose to.  But be sure no matter what you choose your design will WORK.

Beer labels are typically 2.5″ x 3.5″ for the most basic, and 7.375″ x 3.125″ for a wrap around.  And again… this is your call. Wrap arounds will provide you a little more room to illustrate, but do what will work best with your design.


As for illustrated cans… which offer a larger space to play with, copy the proportions of the examples below as I was unable to find a template for you.  And again, prioritize making some really creative and well illustrated images over conforming to the examples!