Assignment 2: Object Staging
Part 1 Brainstorm, and Thumbnails and Rough Sketches
For the first stage of this three part assignment, you will create a concept based on one of your objects from the Inked Object Exercise. Your concept must meet the following parameters:
- Your original object must be visible and central to the new concept.
- The composition must feature a simple setting with only the props necessary to communicate your concept.
- The owner of your object must be incompetent, unreliable, eccentric, otherwise not quite normal.
- You must describe the owner without any visible figures (including the owner).
To gain a better understanding of the assignment, please review the student examples.
For this stage, you’ll brainstorm on the object using the IDEATION Method viewed in class.
Then Sketch a minimum of 20 thumbnails for review. Next class you’ll create a pencil rough and value roughs, in preparation for the final inked illustration.
Tip: | |
Purpose |
The purpose of this assignment is to practice creating concepts, thumbnails, and learn illustration process.
- Tracing paper and Sketchbook for thumbnails
- Pencils
- Ruler
Due Date
- The 20 thumbnails are due next week.