Thumbnails and Pitch

3lp1Column 1 – Once upon a time,there were three little pigs in space.

Column 2 – One pig built his house out of aluminum in Mercury

Column 3 – The second pig build his house on Mars wit cooper3lp2

Column 1 – The third pig worked so hard that he build his house out of diamond on earth.

Column 2 – The alien spots the two pigs and plans to hunt them down.

Column 3 – The alien destroys pig number 1’s house which is Mercury3lp3

Column 1 – The alien destroys pig number 2’s house which is Mars

Column 2 – The alien tries to destroy the 3rd pigs house which was on earth but there was a force field around it so when the alien shot his laser on earth, the laser bounced back and killed the alien.

The 3 little pigs take place in space where they’re 3 pigs which are the main characters who live in different planets. One lives in Mercury, Mars and Earth. The big bad wolf which is no longer a wolf but is a alien is traveling around space with a UFO destroying each planet that the pigs live in.But there’s one planet that he couldn’t destroy.This is a mysterious story mainly for people all ages.


3 thoughts on “Thumbnails and Pitch

  1. Jon- These LOOK GREAT! My sincerest apologies on taking so very long to respond!

    I like the moments in time which you’ve chosen.

    Out of these I like:
    PAGE 1 : column 1 bottom 2, column 2 row 2 (but proportion of pig to planet should be different)
    PAGE 2: column 2 bottom, and column 3 top – both due to EXPRESSIONS
    PAGE 3: I like the concepts here but I’m not seeing the drawings as showing whats going on clearly. I think we need to see more piggie expressions here too.

    OVERALL really wonderful work!

    • Thank you !!So for page 3 column 1…I drew a picture of the alien shouting the 2nd planet and while he’s shooting the second planet, both of the pigs leave and go to the last pigs house. Which is the third planet. So I drew that scene differently 3 times. The main point of that scene was the alien destroying the 2nd planet. Then in column 2, the main point was the alien trying to destroy the 3rd planet but instead he failed and ended up destroying himself.

  2. So for page 3 column 1…I drew a picture of the alien shouting the 2nd planet and while he’s shooting the second planet, both of the pigs leave and go to the last pigs house. Which is the third planet. So I drew that scene differently 3 times. The main point of that scene was the alien destroying the 2nd planet. Then in column 2, the main point was the alien trying to destroy the 3rd planet but instead he failed and ended up destroying himself.

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