Hello Class-

It seems unbelievable but here we are in the final stretch of the semester!

Week 14 is this Friday 12/8!

Remember DUE week 14 are your Final Portfolio & Sketchbook 

( However, as we were at the museum this past week I am granting an extension to both, see below! )


Final Sketchbook  (20% of final grade)

Students may drop of Sketchbooks at the end of this week’s class for review.

* Should students wish additional time they may choose an Openlab sketchbook submission.  If this is done your 4+ sketchbook pages per week must be uploaded to openlab, with the correct category tagged.   If pages are dark , blurry, or difficult to find as they were tagged incorrectly, this will negatively impact your grade.


Portfolio Review (25% of final grade)

Students Select 5-6 best Drawings and 1 Early Semester drawing for comparison.

Students are required to submit a portfolio of their classwork, homework, and  with dates and assignment noted on the back of drawings.

Portfolios should not consist of sketchbook drawings.  Students are welcome to draw new figure drawing, portfolio pieces outside of class to supplement their portfolios in addition to classwork and homework drawings.

Portfolios will be collected on the last day of class.

Portfolios will available for return during office hours Spring 18.


Final Project ( 20% of final grade)

Remember your final project is a drawing including at least one human figure in a setting, and incorporating additional design elements of your choice.

The final result can be fantastical, surreal, or totally realistic, that is UP TO YOU,  but you must create a sense of realism, using as all of the skills we learned in class such as: perspective, a full range of value, and accurate proportion.  It should be drawn at your highest level of finish on toned paper.

For some extra inspiration look at Contemporary Figurative Art .

DUE for in class presentation 12/ 15.

Each student will give a short (3 minutes plus Q & A ) presentation on their art piece.

Tell us…

  • Name of the piece.
  • Show your reference.
  • Explain your inspiration.
  • Describe your processes and techniques.
  • Explain challenges and how you worked through them.




Museum Tour and Final Project

Hello class-

We will enter museum together and from that point can split into groups based on interest.  Remember we are looking to draw the human figure in a setting.  Good galleries for this would be those featuring sculpture of the human form.  Greek and Roman, European Arts and Sculpture, and Asian art all are good choices.  You may choose to combine any design elements you see or feel inspired by, as long as you make it look realistic.  Remember you’ll be drawing on toned paper “.

Take the time in each gallery to view the work, and read the information written about the work. Then shoot reference photos to prepare yourself for drawing your final project at home.

Remember your final project is a drawing of a location of your choice including at least one human figure, and incorporating design elements of your choice.  The final result can be fantastical or totally realistic, but you must use perspective, a full range of value, as well as all of the skills we learned in class to create a sense of realism. It should be drawn at your highest level of finish.

Take time in each gallery to plan your composition. Take photos of all the details you plan to draw.

Finally post a photo of yourself in location you will be drawing along with a quick sketch ( approximately 4″x5″) of your composition, and write a short blog post explaining why you chose that location, to OPENLAB.

This is due for review by the morning 12/ 7, 9 am latest.

Be sure to bring your reference photos and work in progress to class on 12/8.


Field Trip To The Metropolitan Museum of Art

On Friday December 1st we will meet during normal class hours 12:00 – 3:20 at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Please be prepared to sketch on site as well as take pictures to be used as reference materials for your final project.  Please look at the Metropolitan Museum of Art website before we go and familiarize yourself with their collection.  If there are particular ares of interest for you PLEASE reply to this post so that we can be sure to visit them! 

The Met is located between 79th and 83rd streets on 5th Avenue in Manhattan.  Take the 4,5,or 6 trains to 72nd street and its a 10-15 minute walk.

We will meet at the Educational Entrance (81st entrance) to the LEFT of the main staircase. We will be meeting inside at 12pm, just past the coat check.

This should be obvious but… DON’T check your sketchbooks and pencils! 



Week 11, MORE Reportage Drawing

Window to my world

Reportage drawing is a drawing which tells the story of a place or event and the people in it in one sketch.  Like these…



For this weeks Sketchbook Theme… Draw the scenes you see daily.  Your Job.  Your Commute. Your Citytech Life. etc.

Draw the human figure interacting with the world around us.  Capture the gestures and details which tell the story.


For inspiration on reportage drawing check out the URBAN SKETCHERS


Week 10 Sketches: Reportage Drawing

Window to my world

Reportage drawing is a drawing which tells the story of a place or event and the people in it in one sketch.  Like these…



For this weeks Sketchbook Theme… Draw the scenes you see daily.  Your Job.  Your Commute. Your Citytech Life. etc.

Draw the human figure interacting with the world around us.  Capture the gestures and details which tell the story.


For inspiration on reportage drawing check out the URBAN SKETCHERS


Updated Course Calendar

Oct 6 | Week 5

Proportion Continues: First Session with LIVE MODEL : Drawing what you SEE. Using what you KNOW.

NEW: Assignment 5

Oct 16 | Week 6

Light and Shade: Tonality studies of the Figure

DUE: Assignment 5

NEW: Assignment 6

Oct 20 | Week 7 :

Light and Shade: Tonality studies continue: Making distinct shadow shapes.

Proportion Continues: Front, Side, Back and 3/4 views of the Head

Midterm Review

DUE: Assignment 6

NEW Assignment 7 :  Front, Side, and 3/4 views of the Head.  Create a measurement guide to assist you in constructing a Self Portrait based on Photo Reference.  Focus on the Proportions.  Bring your guide and printed Photo Reference to class next week!

HINT:  Print a LARGE IMAGE. Use dramatic lighting and distinct shadow shapes to create visual  interest and to make the image easier to draw.

Sketchbook: Head Hunter! (Read Bridgemans on Heads and then FILL 4 PAGES FULL of Heads!

*Be sure ALL previous course weeks sketchbook pages have been filled!

Oct 27 | Week 8 : Midterm Portfolio Due*

Light and Shade: Tonality studies of Human head, Facial Features and Perspective

Work in class Assignment:  Using Measurement Guides and Photo Reference, Draw a self portrait.  Use dramatic lighting and distinct shadow shapes.

Complete as Homework Assignment 8.

Sketchbook: Head Hunter! (Read Mike Matessi on Heads and then FILL 4 PAGES FULL of Heads!

DUE: Portfolio : 5 – 7 of your best drawings

NEW Assignment 8 : Dramatic Self Portrait : Using your measurement guide coupled with careful observation and good reference.  Complete the self portrait you began in class.  Be sure to use dramatic lighting and a full range of value.

Nov 3 | Week 9

Drawing Heads and Hands.

DUE Assignment 8

NEW Assignment 9 : Dramatic Portrait : Lets take another crack at drawing the human head! Using your measurement guide coupled with careful observation and good reference.  Complete the self portrait you began in class.  Be sure to use dramatic lighting and a full range of value.

Buy Toned Paper for next weeks class and HW

Sketchbook: Hands! (Read Bridgemans and Hogarth on Hands and Feet and then FILL 4 PAGES FULL Studies!



Nov 10 | Week 10

Drawing Hands and Feet & Tonal Drawing of the Human Figure.

DUE: Assignment 9

NEW: Assignment 10 : Pose reference Study – Series of Photos pose guide. Bring in next week use in Class (2 week project)

Hint: Feel free to use props etc. and Interact with the environment.  

(Begin in class) Choose 1 of your poses, develop into long pose from reference.

You may choose to Superimpose the skeleton onto your figure!

Shoot Additional reference for this image!  Create more dramatic lighting, and shoot close ups for specific problematic areas! Hands, feet, head etc.  Be sure to recreate EXACT pose and lighting conditions.

Nov 17| Week 11

Drawing The Human Figure on Site with Perspective and Scale

DUE: Assignment 10

NEW: Assignment 11: Human Figure Long pose from Reference on Toned Paper

Using the toned paper, Choose 1 of your poses to develop into a long pose drawn from reference.

You may choose to Superimpose the skeleton onto your figure!  You may choose to use props or add additional elements as long as the figure is the main subject matter.

Shoot Additional reference for this image!  Create more dramatic lighting, and shoot close ups for specific problematic areas! Hands, feet, head etc.  Be sure to recreate EXACT pose and lighting conditions.

Nov 21*| Week 12 *Tuesday follows Friday Schedule

The Human Figure with objects in an Environment , Learning to consider composition and staging

DUE: Assignment 11

NEW: Assignment 12