Saving Files and Sending Files

Working as a designer, I often have to run high intensive programs like Adobe Photoshop and Acrobat while running other programs in the background causing my hardware to run under high temperatures and stress. In my own experience, I can say I have had my own freak incidents where my machine will crash and I’ll have to start from scratch due to the file becoming corrupted.

When working at Flushing Town Hall, I often save different files of my psd. corresponding to my last revision with my advisor or a new shift. Saving these different files allows me to look back at my progress throughout the design while also creating a back up just in case my software were to crash at the moment. Shawn, my advisor also mentioned to me early on that I would need to compress my files down to the appropriately to be sent via email and named mainly in relation to whether the graphic will be seen on print or web.

It helps out because we can quickly look out for the file that we are looking for on the main FTP server. When working with different types of digital media, it’s important to understand saving files and working with them so others can view them. I’m thankful for my professors who empathized the importance of saving my files.

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